Decorative. That’s what the fool called me. He thought he was the power behind the throne, the real ruler, the true strength.
As a seemingly helpless child, I used my wits to stay alive while my siblings killed each other grappling for the throne. When they were dead and my uncle sought to banish me — or worse — I gathered a loyal following from hiding.
When the bloodshed had finally ended, I sacrificed much to restore my kingdom. How much, few will ever know.
But this upstart “counselor” calls me decorative and thinks he can control me.
Look who’s decorative now.
Part of the fascinating “100 Word Challenge” project by Darleen Click over at Protein Wisdom.
I missed last week’s challenge in the madness that was our first week of school. You can find Jimmie’s story and round-up from last week here. I’ll add this week when he has it up. Here is his for this week, along with his usual roundup.
Join in! (If you don’t have a blog, leave your story in the comments.)
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