He was, without question, the world’s best thief. Of course, no one knew. If they knew, he wouldn’t be the world’s best thief. But he’d almost ruined everything when that red-headed girl started asking questions.
Now there were road blocks and alerts about a dark figure on a bike and snow that would leave tracks. Jimmie watched from a tree as police took pictures and scratched their heads. He had to move.
“This will be easier when I’m old enough to drive.” He rubbed the diamond in his pocket. “That girl was cute. I wonder where she goes to school?”
This story is part of the fascinating “100 Word Challenge” project started by Darleen Click over at Protein Wisdom. Darleen is taking a break. In the meantime, I was really missing writing micro-fiction, so I decided to set one up. When all else fails, do it your dang self!
Take part in Friday Fiction (or whenever you get around to it)! The idea is simple: using the image as your inspiration/jumping off point, write a 100-word piece of fiction. It’s fun and challenging, and I love reading how different people are inspired by the same picture. Leave your link in the comments, leave your story in the comments, post on Instagram, or Facebook — whatever platform you want to use! Be sure to tag me. I love reading these!
My previous stories are here. I’ll post links to other stories as I find them.
- Check out Jimmie’s story here: An Unfair World
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Image from Unsplash.
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