“What!” Billy was incredulous. “He takes your nose? And your mom lets him?”
“Worse than that,” Joey nodded grimly, “She laughed. Not only that, she introduced us. She made me say ‘Hi’ and take my finger out of my nose”
Billy made a peas-for-dinner face. “What did you do?”
“I made him give it back. He patted my head and called me Sonny,” Joey shuddered.
“So how do we get out of this?” Billy was frantic. “Your mom is taking us right to him.”
“Didn’t I tell you? He’s got candy.”
Billy and Joey started running toward the old man.
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Part of the fascinating “100 Word Challenge” project by Darleen Click over at Protein Wisdom.
Jimmie’s story about friendship, and his roundup of other storytellers.
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