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America is an incredibly diverse country, both geographically and in culture and beliefs. But we are also a united country, as reflected in our name The United States of America. Yesterday, when our country was attacked in the Cradle of Liberty, we became united in our pain and our pride. Yesterday, our Boston was hurt. Yesterday, even New Yorkers were Bostonians.

It is the City on the Hill, the home of Paul Revere, the Liberty Tree, and those impish rebels who devised and executed the Boston Tea Party and lit the match that gave us our freedom. This despicable attack hurt not only one of our key cities and our citizens, but also our guests who had come to participate in a great American tradition in the Boston Marathon. It is heartbreaking and infuriating. But it is not the whole story.

The story isn’t only the evil done to us, it’s also the how we respond to evil. The news and especially the images coming from Boston are horrifying, but they are also uplifting. When the explosions happened, people ran toward danger to help those in needs. The runners of the Boston Marathon went straight to hospitals to donate blood. I know over the days and weeks ahead, thousands upon thousands will offer their help, their money, and their prayers. We are not a perfect people, but we are a people who come together to help one another and to comfort one another.

This quote has been everywhere over the past few hours for good reason. This is the heart of who we are: when trouble comes–when bad people do bad things– look for the helpers.

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The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5

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