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Screw safety, I want liberty

I’m sorry, mom, but there is no better way to say it.

The jackboots outlawed books, “for the children.”
They outlawed handcrafted toys and clothing, “for the children.”
They’re trying to shut down small farmers and farmer’s markets, “for the children.”

I would like to whack them upside the head with a two-by-four, “for the children.”

(What? That’s a presidential response. Andrew Jackson did it to someone who stepped on his toe and this is much worse than that!)

In his TED talk, Mike Rowe makes the provocative suggestion that “Safety First” is wrong.

This is heresy what I’m about to say, but what if it’s really safety third? I mean, really. What I mean to say is I value my safety on these crazy jobs as much as the people that I’m working with. But the ones who really get it done, they’re not out there talking safety first. They know that other things come first, the business of doing the work comes first, the business of getting it done.

. . .

The idea that we create this . . . sense of complacency when all we do is talk about someone else’s responsibility as though it’s our own and vice-versa.

Think about it: Would this nation, would any people anywhere survive if we were wimpy little “Safety First” weasels? Would they have boarded leaky ships? Journeyed west into a land where all that was certain was hardship? Would they have gone out into a dangerous environment to hunt food for their family? “Ah, but they had no choice. It was risk or die.”

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Like making the decision of how to best protect your family. Because it is your responsibility, not the governments. Making the decision on how much to save, how much to give, and what to buy. And then accepting the consequences if those decisions prove to be poor ones. The decision of when and how to speak out against injustice and the willingness to take the consequences, because it is government of the people, by the people and for the people. And you, my friend, are the people.

We play it safe. We trust the “experts” and the “leaders” to make our decisions for us. We’re no longer adults, we’re no longer free men and women. We’re children.

This is true: in everything the government provides for you, it controls you.

“[T]he heir, as long as he is a child, is no different from a slave, though he is the owner of everything, but he is under guardians and managers until the date set by his father.” Galatians 4:1

I don’t like being under the thumb of “managers” who think I need to be protected from myself. I do not need a guardian. Our forefathers started out as free risk-takers. Why would we surrender that? And now that we have, those muscles have long since atrophied and we believe the stupidity of the statement, “If it saves one child, it’s worth it.”

No. A thousand times no. My liberty, my children’s liberty, is not worth this gilded cage. And it’s pointless, you can’t legislate away every threat. Death comes to us all, some sooner than later. But the nannies would have us live as fat, placid children sucking on the government teat instead of strong, bold men and women actually living the lives we’ve been given by God.

It takes a little bit of crazy to risk, especially in a culture that doesn’t value it, that legislates against it, that doesn’t see the necessity of it. Because critical to risk is failure. That’s why it’s risk, because if you don’t win, it hurts. Even if you do win, it can hurts. You can get scars that will stay with you forever.

But I’d rather be free and scarred than remain under the thumbs of the guardians.

7 responses to “Screw safety, I want liberty”

  1. Renae Avatar

    We’ve become slaves to our passions. Bound by our fears. Fear of what exactly though? Death? Poverty? Struggle?

    Thanks for the in-your-face reminder of why I do what I do. I’m running after liberty come what may.

  2. Dana Avatar

    Safety First is sort of nutty. We lost some of profit sharing because company didn’t make its safety goal…being 100%. Now, I would feel weird if they set the goal at 90%, but honestly. How likely is it in an industry with thousands of employees moving things weighing thousands of tons that there will be zero accidents in a year?

    And there isn’t always someone at fault.

  3. Anna-Marie Avatar

    Funny how they have built a culture of fear to make us afraid of our own shadows. Then they create a whole business around that. They are actually profiting from our fear, making money every step of the way. It’s shameful and it needs to stop. And that will happen when we say enough is enough.

    Awesome post. Keep the faith, mama warrior!

  4. April Avatar

    Thanks, Renae. I think you’re right. We’re slaves to a concept of security and stability that is unrealistic and we keep surrendering our freedoms to try sustain it.

    Dana, kinda sounds like they set themselves up to “fail” i.e. not have to pay out. In which case, they win, no?

    Anne-Marie, thanks! Mama warrior, I like that. One of the reasons I don’t read women’s mags is that they are always preying on our fears. I worry enough without their help, thank you very much, and I really don’t think I will lojack my kids.

  5. Dana Avatar

    I can't help but think of the whole CPSIA thing. Most everyone seems to agree it is a dumb law, but it came about because of outrage over the lead thing. How many children died? got sick? Even tested positive for elevated lead levels?

    No, our fears were elevated with each new VOLUNTARY recall. The system was working and we still demanded more and pressured the government to "do something." & the did.

    I think that summarizes at least half our laws in the country.

  6. April Avatar

    Dana, I fear the “Never waste a crisis” thought runs far deeper and wider than the current administration. Every time we have a “crisis” (defined as what?), politicians are at the ready with a law. And I don’t completely buy the “unintended consequences” line. Sure, there are some pols that stupid–probably most of them, but some aide or lobbyist (or both) knew exactly what they were doing with CPSIA. I guarantee it.

  7. Mandi Avatar

    This is fantastic! I, too, am so sick of it! I choose liberty!
    I can remember my dad getting a ticket in a delivery truck once while making a delivery that was literally less than a block away in our little community of around 800 people – the crime? He had failed to buckle his seatbelt!

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