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Holy Health-Care, Batman!

Here’s a bill I could actually support.

It addresses the actual problem of health insurance affordability while not imposing huge economic burdens or more government bureaucracies. Also, ONE PAGE LONG! Woo-hoo! Won’t have any “read the bill” problems there.

No, it doesn’t address everything wrong with the health care system, and there would probably still be those who fall through the cracks. But I’d rather take a small step that won’t crush small businesses, create massive new bureaucracies, institute government rationing on a broad scale and impose tax-funded abortion on demand. PCOS is more than an ovarian dysfunction, as well as affects many diverse organ tadalafil overnight delivery and hormonal systems. Connection between complexities due to pdxcommercial.com discount levitra stress, poor communication or other concerns. They endeavored to bring a great opportunity to give your sexual accomplice the fulfillment of extreme private encounters and unimaginable climaxes. viagra in usa The work starts in an cialis samples hour of taking meal. I’d rather have a mostly-cure than a “cure” that’s worse than the disease.

Alas, as bad as Obama and the Democratic leadership have handled health care, I do not forsee the GOP getting it’s act together enough to come together to get behind something like this. Politicians, bless their hearts*, are much better at grandstanding, nitpicking, protecting their own interests, and generally screwing things up than making improvements to our country.

Speaking of government “improvements” to health care, this woman’s story illustrates what happens when politicians try to fix things.

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