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Am I crazy?

Don’t answer that.

So I’m watching this very interesting article on light pollution and the dark sky movement, and I start thinking: If a city was successful in implementing a thorough dark sky policy, could you have a city entirely lit as needed BUT with close access to dark skies? Like a platform or a very tall building dark at the top for sky watchers? You’d have the light you needed for the city, but then you could escape it by going a few hundred feet vertically rather than many, many miles horizontally.

Okay, I’m crazy.

Anyway, great interview on light pollution and how we’re really moving toward a society with less light pollution, thanks to technology and greater understanding of the benefits of darkness. Full transcript here.

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2 responses to “Am I crazy?”

  1. carrie Avatar

    Apparently (and maybe this is in the video but I didn’t have time to watch) alot of our light problems come from lights that are pointed the wrong way. Like a street lamp pointing to the sky and not to the street where it might be needed. Think of all the wasted money that goes to keep those pointless lights burning.

    1. April Avatar

      Yeah, he talks about how you can use half the wattage to illuminate the same ground area with better aiming. It’s actually an area we’re making progress on because of technological advances. It’s nice when helping nature coincides with saving money.

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