
An introvert brings in the New Year

In case you’re wondering, yes, it’s still the Christmas season, and we’re still celebrating. On the Sixth Day of Christmas, we had Taco Tuesday and went looking at lights. We prefer to look at lights after Christmas when there’s less traffic, although we did run into a couple of aggressive light lookers. Passing people on dark and crowded residential streets is rather exciting! (And yes, they were looking at lights. They were doing the same in-and-out weave through the neighborhood the rest of us did, but faster and angrier.)

lights & tacos

On the Seventh Day of Christmas (and also New Year’s Eve), we used our Perot Museum membership for the last time. (Not that we’ll never go again, but not often enough to justify a membership.) Little Miss spent some extra time in the Astronomy section, Sprite took one last look at the prehistoric shark and marine life, and the boys played every interactive game they could get their hands on. Buttons!


We finished off with The Trains at Northpark, an annual holiday tradition that we just may be outgrowing. Sniff.
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As for bringing in the New Year, we don’t go out, and we don’t miss it.  New Year’s Eve is generally marked by a lot of people screaming and yelling and generally acting like fools. That’s not exactly an introvert’s idea of fun. Tonight we’ll eat chili and watch movies in front of a fire.  My family’s traditional New Year movie was always Young Sherlock Holmes (af), but my kids don’t particularly like it, so we’re looking for a replacement. We’ll also probably ring in the “midnight” early with the boys. (Thanks, Netflix!) Tomorrow is much of the same: food, games, and relaxing with the family. So much of the holidays and life is running, running, running; it’s nice to have a holiday that doesn’t require a lot of fuss.

I’m off to take a nap and then make our chili so we’ll be ready to kick out 2014 (don’t let the door hit ya!) and welcome in a hopeful 2015.

How are you bringing in the New Year?

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