Today is my 200th straight post in the Great Blog Project, and another opportunity to reevaluate where I am and where I think I’m going with this little experiment. On day 100, my goal was to become a better writer. 100 days later and I’m good! Kidding. Actually, that’s probably a life-long endeavor, and I will hopefully be improving till the day I scribble my last words.
I’ve been thinking what my new goal might be for day 200. I thought about making an effort to be more focused, to make my blog about one thing, be it homeschooling or politics or whatever. However, I realized that wouldn’t be true to who I am. I’m a rambler, I follow bunny trails and streams of conscious until I look up and wonder how the heck I got here.
I’m also a fox, as opposed to a hedgehog. A fox, so Archilochus tells us, knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. I may not know many things well, but I think I’m definitely more foxy than hedgehogy. Or, to put it less flattering, but probably more accurately:
I like hedgehogs, I learn a lot from them. In fact, a wise fox will surround themselves with as many hedgehogs as they can. Poor hedgehogs. But I’m not a hedgehog, and trying to make my blog into a hedgehog would be counterproductive. So we’re staying foxy.
Upon further reflection, I think I can probably just stick with my day 100 goal of improving my writing. But for now, I’m going to ditch the other two goals I set out 100 days ago: increasing my audience and developing a defined theme. I think as my writing improves that the other two goals will be natural results. But if they aren’t, I still think that it’s more important for me spend my scarce resources of time and energy on becoming a better writer than on being better read.
For the next 100 days, I’ll focus on being a better writer, and nothing else. That’s actually a little intimidating as a blogger because blog traffic is kind of a big deal. After all, we write to be read. But we’ll see what happens. I’m starting with some advice from the experts. I like what Mr. Twain has to offer.
I’m off to be a better writer. Let me know how you think I’m doing.
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