First, I want to say I really like you. Really. We all do. A lizard sighting is a momentous occasion for the kids. The big guy running on my kitchen window ledge, puffing out his chin? Fantastic! Was that a mating thing or were you trying to scare away predators. Very cool.
Also, I know your lives aren’t easy. There’s the whole thing with birds wanting to eat you and kids chasing you and losing your tail. It’s rough, I know.
So I want you to understand where I’m coming from when I say STAY OUT OF MY HOUSE. I know it seems like a smart move. Not only is it away from aforementioned birds, but hey–air conditioning! But it is a trap, a lie, a House of Horrors, the Bates Motel.
Run Away!Apparently the word is not yet out among the lizarding world, but we have cats. Plural. Two. And yes, they seem lazy and not that bright, but they are lizard killers. Or at least lizard maimers. I can’t tell you how many of your compatriots have lost a limb–or more– to these deadly predators.
Don’t think escaping the cats leaves you free and clear. I found one sad little corpse under the rug. Yes, he was intact, but crushed paper thin. If you escape the cats, you still have to deal with the danger of the children. There is no escape once you’ve entered the House of Doom.
So spread the word, keep to the bushes and stay safe out there.