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Beauty in My Own Front Yard

Beauty in my front yard: rosemary in bloom.

I am an ever-hopeful, ever-failing gardener. In fact, I don’t so much garden as fight a losing battle with nature. Despite my perennial failure, one plant I have been successful at growing is rosemary. Tiny victories!

The name rosemary comes from the Latin rosmarinus through the French rosemarine, meaning dew of the sea, probably because it’s native to coastal regions.

Beauty in my front yard: rosemary in bloom.


My rosemary is currently in bloom and more lovely than usual. I have a huge plant right by my front door. It’s handy for quickly grabbing a couple of sprigs for dinner, but it’s even more useful when I need to take a break from my children. (Keeping it real.)  I step out into the sun, pull a hand over the leaves, and inhale. If my kids are particularly persnickety, I’ll cut off a sprig for them to take the occasional whiff while they finish math. (MATH!)

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Beauty in my front yard: rosemary in bloom.


So that’s my bit of beauty to share. The name, the fragrance, and the blossom are all lovely. 

What has been beautiful in your world this week?

2 responses to “Beauty in My Own Front Yard”

  1. Mary Holley Avatar
    Mary Holley


  2. Mary Gonzalez Avatar

    I use rosemary to marinate meats very often i hope some day I can have 1 at home

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