Little Miss, my oldest daughter, the child who is frighteningly like me, said that she had lots of friends in books. She has friends in England and friends in China, friends from 1609 and friends who travel through time. It made my heart happy and I still have a silly grin on my face.
All my kids love books, even little Satchmo, who can be rather insistent when asking for a “book book.” (Which means, read me this book right now. No, you may not go to the bathroom. Book, book!) One of my main goals of education for my children is to instill a love of reading, and I’m enormously gratified that we’ve started out so well.
I’m always looking for new book lists and ideas to open new worlds to them, and this is the time of year when people put out lots of good lists, especially for kids.
We have Classic books for Boys at Mommy Life and Best books for boys at a Holy Experience, courtesy of the crew at the Common Room, who offer books for boys AND books for girls.
Mama Squirrel has Worthwhile Writing at Dewey’s Treehouse and Semicolon offers suggestion for giving books for girls.
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And for the long holiday road trips:
Dan @ Biblical Christianity points us to 100 free audio books. (Updated to remove dead link.) offers a free audio book for new registrations. (No fees, no credit cards, you just have to register.
I’m thankful that my children love to read, and I’m thankful for the overwhelming wealth of literature that we have at our fingertips. Now, go read a book.