I have avoided writing about politics for quite a while for many reasons. The primary one is because I’m a bit of a pessimist, and, frankly, I see the writing on the wall when it comes to the beautiful experiment of a constitutional republic and a nation governed by rule of law. But, though fatally […]
“THE YEAR WAS 2081, and everybody was finally equal. They weren’t only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and […]
It’s a Johnny Cash kind of day today. But whether it’s “Get Rhythm” or “Folsom Prison Blues”, I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know. Not unrelated: when everything about your Mondays is constantly sucking, you should re-evaluate your plan for Mondays. No, running away is not an option. Physical Causes of ED High blood […]
Sometimes you come across something so unbelievable stupid, you want to facepalm, smack the fool out of people, and bless their hearts all at the same time. For example: Um. <blinking eyes rapidly> pic.twitter.com/TfLukF48ZO — Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 28, 2015 For example with buy cialis line this is something you will probably need to buy […]
Art, so I’ve been told by people smarter than me, is meant to provoke, to cause people to think, and maybe even to take action. Colleges are also supposed to be places where people are challenged to think, sometimes even by provocative arguments or displays. But today’s college students and faculty are apparently such special […]
Two decades ago, I had the pleasure of working with a Viet Nam vet while lobbying on health care rationing for the National Right to Life Committee. He told me then that the Veterans Administration health care system was awful and he avoided it like the plague. When he told me that, I just assumed […]
I have confiscated all the Legos. I’m pretty sure I got them all. There are so dang many that it’s possible I missed some. Legos, so my boys tell me, distract them from doing what I ask. So do balls and trucks and green grass and blue skies and siblings and anything not the task […]
Last fall, we reverted to “standard” time on November 3. Barely four months later, we’re back on Daylight Saving Time. During those four months, the days are short and miserable anyway, so who cares if sunrise is at 7 or 8? Stop messing with our circadian rhythms and just stick to Daylight Saving Time, call […]
Today is the 4th day of the IcePocalypse, and this is a fairly good representation of our devolution. Except it wasn’t snow, it was ice. Frankly, that’s not even that much fun on Day 1. There are rumors that the sun will come out and the glaciers will begin to recede. The main roads are […]
The Constitution is the framework that sets the boundaries for the government. It establishes the institutions of the three branches and sets forth what they must do and what they must not. The Bill of Rights, in particular, limits what the government can do to citizens. That’s what the whole “Congress shall make no law” […]