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    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    Let’s use our thinking caps, people!

    First there was the petition to ban Dihydrogen monoxide. AKA H2O. AKA water. To be fair, the petition gather used “the vocabulary and tone of environmental hysteria” (Penn Jillette’s own words.) But then there was the petition to repeal the Bill of Rights. In this case, the guy was pretty clear about his intent, no […]

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    No choice here

    No choice here

    When speak of forced or coerced abortion, most people think of China with it’s one-child policy and horrific human rights record in forcibly aborting and sterilizing women. However, coercive abortion happens here, too.  Either through direct force or non-physical pressure, 64% of women report some form of pressure to abort, with often devastating physical and […]

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    Stand for Life

    Stand for Life

    Today the Texas Senate Health and Human Services Committee will take up Senate Bill 1.  Pro-lifers in blue and abortion advocates in orange will inundate the capital, making their voices heard. Hopefully, we’ll have more Amazing Grace and less Hail Satan. I can’t be in Austin, but I’ll be wearing blue, a Doctor Who shirt […]

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    Rights and responsibilities

    Rights and responsibilities

    Glenn Reynolds, (AKA the Instapundit) and Ann Althouse are having a blog post exchange on the rights and responsibilities of men and women when it comes to sex and parenting, particularly what rights men have when it comes to the children they father. It began with cases of unaccidental pregnancy and the rights and responsibilities […]

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    A hurting world

    A hurting world

    The UN estimates that there are 200,000,000 missing girls in the world today. That number may actually be smaller than reality since China boasts of aborting 336,000,000 unborn children, a majority of those girls.  Add in unreported cases of female infanticide, as well as the statistics from India and other countries, 200 million might actually […]

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    Four generations

    Four generations

    This year my family will attend the National Right to Life Convention in Dallas, my daughters will attend the Teens for Life Convention. They are the fourth generation of pro-life activists in my family. When I was ten, my mother and grandmother started a crisis pregnancy center in my hometown, a center they still run. […]

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    Extending grace

    Extending grace

    I’ve recently read Eric Metaxes’ book Amazing Grace: William Wilberforce and the Heroic Campaign to End Slavery. I highly recommend it, even if there are sections that could really have used a meaner editor. (An example: “The king’s sanity would come and go over the next several years,but for now it was definitely back, and […]

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    On not ceding the legal battle

    On not ceding the legal battle

    Last week, Amy Otto posted this interesting post on liberty and abortion at Pocket Full of Liberty. I agree with a great deal of it, but there is a pesky area of disagreement that keeps coming up between libertarians and pro-life activists: namely that legislation is the wrong approach. So I’ve got a response to […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Processing info edition

    Terrible Tuesday: Processing info edition

    This past weekend, I went to Freedom Works’ BlogCon. I thought about canceling several times in the weeks leading up to the event, because what does my wee little blog have in common with the big political blogger attending this event?  And on Mother’s Day weekend. And the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. (I’d miss Miller […]

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    Precious fight

    Precious fight

    Radiolab, if you aren’t familiar, “is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.”  Which, when translated, means a fascinating radio program that focuses mainly on scientific topics and how they relate to and affect people. It also translates science into language that non-scientists can […]

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