Last night, the Leonid meteor shower peaked. Despite being bone tired, I duly set my alarm for 1 a.m. But at 1 a.m., that part of my brain that would really like just five minutes of peace and a good night sleep for once, dangit, said, “Don’t you dare.” So I didn’t. There should be […]
The saying is “There’s no such thing as an ex-Marine.” I’ve had the privilege of knowing several retired Marines, but I’ve never met an ex-Marine. Major “Fox” Sinke proved that saying true when he went to stand guard at the National War Memorial in Canada where Cpl. Nathan Cirillo was killed on October 22. You […]
Today is my 600th day of consecutive blogging. It’s not really an anniversary; it’s just a nice looking number. Very round. 600. Six hundred. DC. Well, that ruined it. Arbitrary goals links! Combining exercise and art. Major kudos to this guy who drew a bicycle on a map by riding 212 miles in a day. […]
If civilization isn’t constantly on the offensive, nature will overwhelm us. Likewise, if we aren’t constantly on the offensive against life, it will eat into your schedule. In other words, I had some time free up yesterday, but somehow that time disappeared under the tentacles of life. Like sands through the hourglass links! I’m just […]
We went to bed early because MTG had to be up at 4 am. But I tossed and turned for an hour or so. No big, I can sleep in. Except when MTG got up, I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep for a couple of hours. I finally did get back to […]
We have these really awesome friends, the Malones. If you look up Christian hospitality in the dictionary, you’ll find their picture. They are also possibly the most fun family on the planet. Part of that fun comes from the joie de vivre that they all have, and part of it comes from the fact that […]
Have you ever noticed that how when you get more of something — time, space, money, etc. — you expand to fill it up? If you move to a bigger house, in a couple of months it’s as cluttered as your smaller space. A raise gets spent as soon as it’s earned, and an opening […]
This month marks two remarkable anniversaries in American history, although remarkable for quite different reasons. The first (or second chronologically, but first in our hearts and minds) is the anniversary of the moon landing. On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins were the first of the most elite group of humans: […]
Last weekend, I had the chance to share a room with my sister again as neither of our husband’s could make my nephew’s graduation. (Top 10%, thank you very much.) Because of some other stuff going on, we were talking about how truly blessed we were to grow up in a family with a loving, […]
Summer started and then we got really busy and, well, this doesn’t feel like summer to me. I-demand-my-lazy-days links! First, a slew of heroes. The last of the original Navajo code-talkers has died. The Navajo code arguably turned the tide of the war in the Pacific, as the Japanese were able to break every code […]