Ten years ago today, Ronald Reagan died. Fifty years ago this year, he gave what may have been his most important speech, “A Time for Choosing.” In a thirty-minute campaign commercial, he laid out the case for liberty and against encroaching government. His warnings were prescient, and his arguments still valid. If you prefer to […]
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies. I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But when I start to tell them, They think I’m telling lies. I say, It’s in the reach of my arms The span of my hips, The stride of my step, The curl of my lips. I’m […]
faithful, kind, gentle, compassionate, strong, courageous, funny, but more than that, joyful, inquisitive, intelligent, Sports viagra buy usa http://www.donssite.com/truckphoto/Tractor_pulls_Fergus_Truck_Show.htm injuries can be broadly classified as either traumatic or overuse injuries. Directions: Take Shilajit capsule twice daily viagra cialis on line for 6 months. Contraindications: Kamagra Oral Jelly is contraindicated in patients taking an alternate drug […]
This post contains affiliated links. Title: Becoming Laura Ingalls Wilder: The Woman behind the Legend (I don’t know why behind isn’t capitalized. It irks me.) Author: John E. Mills Why I read it: We just finished listening to Cherry Jones delightful audio books of the Little House series, and I was curious to learn more […]
Crawling around on the floor (to make a chair for an elderly woman stuck in an elevator.) via Twenty-Two Words. Dumpster diving (to find materials to build a radio station for his community. An inventor and a humanitarian.) Writing too as discovering the best tips is my pill – my very own women viagra australia […]
Like many people, after a powerful earthquake hit Haiti in 2010, I devoured the news coming from the devastated country. Somewhere in those first days after the quake — I don’t know where — I saw news of this rogue group of veterans who knew they could help and were going to do it, experts be […]
One of my favorite descriptions in the Bible is of Tabitha in the book of Acts. She cared for the poor, sewing clothes for the widows. Acts says, “This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did.” (Acts 9:36, NKJV) I love that picture of there being a reservoir of good […]
Anyone else need a nap? Doesn’t a nap sound lovely? Let’s cancel our plans for today and nap. We can do that, right? Wishful thinking links! Evil walks the streets of Staten Island. Don’t click on this if you have clown phobia. I apologize in advance for the nightmares. Speaking of apologizing in advance, I’m […]
I stepped off a step wrong and did something to my ankle. I don’t think it’s sprained because it isn’t swollen. Pulled my Achilles tendon maybe? Achilles, you scurvy dog. Whatever it is, it both hurts and hinders my ability to get around. And I really need to be able to get on Tuesdays, especially […]
Wacoal is a Japanese based lingerie company. Their Thai division has produced a series of short films called, “My Beautiful Woman.” There is no lingerie, no skin, no sensuous situations, just stories of three remarkable women told from the point of view of men in their lives. Interestingly, only one of those men is a […]