For our history studies, we use “living books” — i.e. not textbooks — and are basically just reading through American history. Now granted these books, especially those we use for the boys, are not 300-page, in-depth studies of all the twists, turns, events, and people who make our history. They’re 40-60 page summations that hit […]
I got nothing. Links! Raise a glass to Claude Shannon, Jr. , the genius no one’s heard of but whose work you’re benefiting from right now. There ought to be no law. From the little I’ve read, the law isn’t as awful as it could be, but talk about a camel’s nose in the door. […]
Today we mark 12 years since the horrific attack on our nation. Today we stop and remember, but remembering isn’t enough. We must pass on the story to our children so that they will also know. This is one of those harder aspects of parenting they leave out of the sales pitch. It is a […]
(This post contains affiliated links.) We just finished Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham — an excellent book and highly recommended — and my appetite was whetted. I had never heard of Nathaniel Bowditch in my American history studies. While I’m no history scholar, I’m better read than the average bear. If the fictionalized […]
Over the course of two years, we’re studying American history in our homeschool. We’ve been stuck Lewis and Clark for what seems like forever because of travel and camp and convention. Honestly, I haven’t minded because it’s such a fascinating adventure. A couple of years ago, I read Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose and was […]
Steven Crowder put together this beautiful video on American culture, which pretty much sums up how I feel about the birthday girl. Three things every citizen should do today: First read the Declaration of Independence,the whole thing and not just the “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.” Read every grievance and the names of those […]
Today, we took the kids to the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery for the Memorial Day Ceremonies. It was a beautiful service, and it’s such a privilege to witness such observances. My boys, in particular, asked lots of questions and the day was full of teachable moments for them as well as for me. “Why do […]
MTG’s parent’s are coming to visit today. Am I ready? No. Will I be?…….. Links! If you don’t read any further or click on any of the links, you must watch the loveliest flash-mob, ever. Hey look, you’re still here. I have a gift for you: a free Redbox movie rental code! Of course, free […]
The Unanimous Declarationof the Thirteen United States of America When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of […]
Happy Birthday, ‘Merica! What’s your favorite part part of the birthday card? I lean toward this:“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.” Because when we read the entire Declaration and realize […]