Except that, as homeschoolers, we’re not getting a spring break. We don’t have cello lessons or softball practice, so that’s something. We do get breaks, we just are less formal in scheduling them. For example, the great stomach bug of early February resulted in several days off. But for the rest of you on spring […]
Today, oh bliss, both my brain boyfriends put out new videos. Andrew, my snark guy, is his usual brilliantly hilarious self explaining extreme moderation. Then, Bill, my rational argument guy, puts out this beauty on wealth creation.. Gah. It is a thing of beauty. And he combines his beautiful logic with sweet sarcasm at the […]
So, Andrew Klavan is my boyfriend, but Bill Whittle is totally giving him a run for his money. Bill (can I call him Bill? Yeah, I will.) has long impressed me with his low-key, relentless logical arguments for small government, personal liberty and American exceptionalism. He was formerly at PJTV and now has a new […]
Andrew Klavan is putting out his “On the Culture” videos about every 2 weeks, with one exception. That’s a schedule I can like. Steve Crowder puts one out every week, but I prefer quality over quantity. Which isn’t to say I don’t find Crowder amusing. Be noted that there are numerous online stores click here […]
and I’m thinking he needs to pick up the pace a bit. But this was worth the wait. This cartoon has a similar scary message. (ht a dozen different places.) Well, we’re so excited about those boys on American Idol and the interesting British lady with a pretty voice that we don’t notice our government […]
My new favorite conservative humorist: Best of many great lines:“When you try to stop the government zombies, when you say “No, zombie, no! Don’t devour my flesh!”–they get pissy.” It’s the low key snark that I love. Don’t get me wrong, I love Steve Crowder and Zo, too. And I’m sure they’ll only get better […]