Tonight is the first every viewing of the Camelopardalids meteor shower. Ironically, the shower we (hope) to see tonight is debris from the comet 100 years ago. Science is awesome. Since this is a new shower, astronomers aren’t sure exactly what to expect, but some people say it could rival the Perseids, which […]
Last night after a very, very long day, Bulldozer came in with a chipped tooth courtesy his scooter. He’s still a cute kid. Unexpected-dental-bill links! The first Dark Sky Island is the last fiefdom in Europe. How to outsmart Facebook and see what you want to see. That is until they change the algorithm again. […]
Today is one of those Tuesdays where we have therapy, orchestra, and then a game. Normally, it’s busy but doable, but today MTG is doing worky things, so I’m flying solo. I have to have Sprite to the ball field 45 minutes from Little Miss’s orchestra 30 minutes before I need to pick up the […]
Tuesday morning was the first of four total lunar eclipses that will occur over the next 18 months. The total lunar eclipse is often called a blood moon because. . . science. Something about the light spectrum (explanation here, scroll down a bit). Why is the sky blue and all that jazz. Apparently, some Christian […]
Both the month and the person. One minute, we’re trucking along at a decent pace, the next I’m standing in the midst of chaos. Schedules, plans, lofty goals? All laying around looking punch drunk. Really, April? Dust yourself off links! “You’re Still Here?”: A Brief History of the Post-Movie Credits Sequence. Bees are getting poisoned […]
Yes, it’s April fool’s day. Yes, you’re very clever and funny with all your tricks and pranks. Don’t even think about it. I’m-watching-you links! A Little Typographical Rant. Preach! How to use worm poop (in your garden.) It also boosts up the health and functioning of your reproductive organs. viagra free Here at this […]
is that you don’t know when to shut up. In my Communities column, I wrote about protecting the natural night sky, particularly what the very excellent organization International Dark-Sky Association is doing to combat light pollution. Being a (very) amateur skywatcher living in an urban area, this is a matter near and dear to my […]
Anyone else need a nap? Doesn’t a nap sound lovely? Let’s cancel our plans for today and nap. We can do that, right? Wishful thinking links! Evil walks the streets of Staten Island. Don’t click on this if you have clown phobia. I apologize in advance for the nightmares. Speaking of apologizing in advance, I’m […]
The spring equinox takes place at 11:57 CDT. Yay! Spring! We’ll be at the dentist just then (or maybe just getting done), but still. SPRING!!! Oh, how we’ve missed you. I subscribe to Earth and Sky newsletter and get all sorts of interesting astronomical tidbits in my email every morning. These are the equinox related […]
Day two of spring cleaning continues apace. Today we conquer the front garden beds and try to repair the some of the damage from our plumbing conundrum last week. Fortunately, it’s a nice day for it. Shiny clean and organized links! Spaced-Out Challenge Messier Guide, Part 2. Beautiful: Reaching my autistic son through Disney. Woohoo! […]