(This post contains affiliated links.) We just finished Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham — an excellent book and highly recommended — and my appetite was whetted. I had never heard of Nathaniel Bowditch in my American history studies. While I’m no history scholar, I’m better read than the average bear. If the fictionalized […]
Summer nights are great for stargazing. Since I’ll be spending a few weeks with my parents in West Texas, I’ll have even more opportunity for viewing the heavens. So I thought I’d start the week off with a bit of astronomical geekery. Most people heard that an asteroid came near (in astronomical terms) the earth […]
This past weekend, I went to Freedom Works’ BlogCon. I thought about canceling several times in the weeks leading up to the event, because what does my wee little blog have in common with the big political blogger attending this event? And on Mother’s Day weekend. And the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. (I’d miss Miller […]
Tomorrow morning will be the peak viewing time for the Lyrids meteor shower, named because these meteors appear in the Lyra constellation. It happens every year in late April when the earth passes through the tail of the Comet Thatcher. Because the moon is full, the Lyrids may be difficult to see, but moonset in […]
Yesterday, my heart was too full for the frivolity and fun of links. My prayers are with the families of little Martin Richard, Krystal Campbell, and the other as yet unnamed victim Lu Lingzi, as well as all of the injured and their families. As awful as it is at a time like this, it’s […]
We’ve been camping with our Cub Scout Pack this week and we took along our odd assortment of telescopes and binoculars to do some stargazing while we’re away from the light pollution of the metropolitan area. We are amateur astronomers. And by that I mean, we take our telescope out once a month or so–more […]
Is everyone enjoying their April? My in-laws have been visiting from Minnesota for the past week and the weather has been gorgeous. They leave today and tomorrow it will be rainy with a high of 50. How very like April. “April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and […]
Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, has died at 82. The moon landing was always history to me and I think those who didn’t experience those first reaches into space forget how revolutionary human beings going into space was. Only last week I came across the speech President Nixon was […]
Thursday night is the peak night for this year’s Perseid meteor shower. The good news is there’s no moon, so the meteor’s are more visible. The bad news is that suburbia isn’t the best viewing location. So if we want a really good show, we’ve got to haul the kiddies out of bed at 3 […]
Wow, have I not been here. Where have I been? I’ve been unwell, pulled back, sinus ickiness, and a pulled muscle on top of my foot. Weird, what? (Um, yeah, I’ve been reading Dorothy Sayers lately. I’ve gotten Wimsey in my speech.) I also went to a Scholastic Warehouse clearance sale with my lame foot–probably […]