It’s not Monday, yuck Monday. It’s not humpday. It’s not Thursday, YAY Friday’s almost here. It’s not TGIF. It’s not the hip, happening weekend. It’s just sad, pathetic Tuesday. I shall cheer it up with links, like this gorgeous Astronomy Picture of the Day. And this wonderful post by Ali. If you’re looking for people […]
When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie EVERYBODY SING that’s amore! I actually noticed how glorious the moon was this weekend and thought, “Hey, how pretty!” but did not have The class to purchase cheap cialis which it has a place with a gathering of medications known as phosphodiesterase type […]
There is a (misguided) idea that geeks have no sense of the beautiful. APOD puts that lie to rest every day of the week. Today’s “picture” is a video and absolutely breathtaking. túrána hott kurdís by hasta la otra méxico! from Till Credner on Vimeo. I love the images of the static trees or mountains […]
First: Wow. Ht: The Headmistress. Again. Then: Hee! Ht: somebody else on my canadian viagra store Only men are the real victims of erectile dysfunction, for a poor sex life can often put a strain on partnerships. In such cases there are high chances that she will shed her inhibitions sooner with you and would […]
I have thoughts, thoughts about thing that ought to be blogged. Okay, that’s too bold a statement. I have thoughts that I’ve thought about blogging. Or something. I’m tired, so I’m not going to think, I’m going to link. . But after online cialis prescriptions was introduced, it went on to be the most popular […]
It has been a hectic, crazy, busy, insane (redundant much?) time in our household. Thus, I’ve not blogged and have missed out on some fun. For example, Dana at Principled Discovery has been celebrating Home Education Week in Nebraska with a series of post and inviting others to join in. Very cool. I missed it. […]
We got up at 4 a.m. to watch the lunar eclipse. It was nice and muggy, which is odd in the pre-dawn hours. This lunar eclipse lasted a fairly long 90 minutes. We watched from around 4:30 to about 15 minutes into total eclipse. Then we got the boys up and headed out to IHOP […]
There will be a total lunar eclipse visible from North America in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. We plan on waking the kids up to view it and then head to IHOP for an post eclipse-watching breakfast. Then dear hubby heads out of town while I figure out how to handle kids with intentionally […]