Today is the last day to sign up for health insurance to be covered by the original January 1 deadline set by Obamacare. Things are changing day by day, so that deadline — at least for the purposes of getting hit with the tax — is probably not valid. Although if you are relying on […]
Remember when bleeding people used to be considered a good cure for all sorts of ailments? Or when doctors thought it was a good idea to knock women unconscious when having babies? Ah, those silly rubes. Hey, remember 30 years ago when we intentionally and aggressively replaced huge portions of the natural dietary fats with […]
Except that, as homeschoolers, we’re not getting a spring break. We don’t have cello lessons or softball practice, so that’s something. We do get breaks, we just are less formal in scheduling them. For example, the great stomach bug of early February resulted in several days off. But for the rest of you on spring […]
Not far from where I live, the school district of Allen, Texas has constructed a gargantuan sports stadium. Allen, like a lot of cities in this area, has experienced explosive growth in recent years. Obviously outgrowing it’s small town roots, the Allen School District needed a new sports stadium. So in a down economy,the voters […]
It is a wonderful thing for a corporation to donate money to feed the poor. Excellent, magnificent, fabulous, yay corporate philanthropy. Woot! But. . These herbs are generally marketed as “Herbal levitra buy generic ” to the western world and come in pill forms as well to rival the ED giants. So friends here were […]