“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
Did the Tea Parties have an impact? Obama is telling his cabinet they have to reduce spending. The voice of the people was heard! Change is coming! To the tune of .003 percent. That’s like cutting the equivalent of $1.67 dollars on an $50,000 salary. It’s a large coke at a fast food joint. Some […]
Favorite comment: “Well, Obama has been giving us the finger for a while now.” And look, he’s branching out! What in heaven’s name can the man be thinking? Forcing wounded vets to get private insurance to pay for their health care? Really? I keep wondering, is the Obama administration incompetent or evil? Incompetently evil? Evilly […]
So MTG’s in Virginia for a week for a training class and is getting to see all our friends and play Euchre and eat Chinese food. I get a stomach virus. No, it doesn’t seem fair to me either. For thousands of years seanamic.com buy sildenafil viagra natural Aphrodisiacs have been used in adult toys. […]
gyration –noun the act of gyrating; circular or spiral motion; revolution; rotation; whirling. I think what he meant was “circling the drain.” And, they should never stop cheapest price for tadalafil a medicine without consulting a doctor; otherwise it can lead to negative effects. Internet is packed with several sildenafil online without prescription fake pharmacies […]
Here is then Illinois State Senator Obama on the Born Alive bill introduced to provide medical care for infants who survive abortion: “And if we’re placing a burden on the doctor that says you have to keep alive even a previable child as long as possible and give them as much medical attention as — […]
Because I don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea or loose my reputation as a cynic (which I call a realist), I need to clarify my love of Sarah Palin. I’m excited she’s in the race. I think she’s a great politician. Of all the candidates,her ideas on government seem to be closest to […]