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    Terrible Tuesday: I want a box

    I’m very busy, and very tired, and I kinda just want to do this. Alas, I do not have a box big enough for me to curl up in. Sigh. Links! A photo essay of children from around the world and their most prized possessions.  What would be in your photograph? Reviews of math apps […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    Today is the first day of the “full schedule Tuesday” that will run through the beginning of November. Occupational therapy, Girl Scouts, softball. And it’s not actually the “full schedule,” next week could add a tee ball and/or a baseball game to the mix. Terrible Tuesday, indeed. Links! On the topic of education, Seth Godin […]

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  • The one anothers

    Somewhere a long time ago (I think it was a MOPS event) someone talked about the “one anothers” throughout the New Testament that Christians are called to do.  Here’s a partial list, because I’ve been reminded of our duty to one another and to God.  Feel free to add more “one anothers” in the comments. […]

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    Thankful for expository preaching

    Which is new to me, church wise. I’ve never attended a church where the pastor consistently preached expositorily, at least not as the primary method of preaching. The preachers at the churches I’ve gone to have, for the most part, preached topically. And don’t misunderstand, I have sat under some wonderful teachers and preachers. But […]

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    Klavan takes Obama to Sunday School

    “When facing death himself, Jesus – a talented Rabbi in his own right – asked God to get him out of his perilous situation, but then added, “Not as I will, but as you will,” which suggests to me that even Jesus didn’t expect This may indicate commander cialis midwayfire.com the mechanism underlying problems with […]

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    Better living through technology

    I have never once succeeded in reading the bible in a year. In the past, the pattern has been: start with great enthusiasm, get distracted, discouraged or sidetracked somewhere in Numbers or Deuteronomy (didn’t I read this already?) and give up by mid-February, March if I’m particularly motivated. The last time I took up a […]

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