• An experiment

    An experiment

    Wednesday, I wrote a post that consisted entirely or whining and complaining. No lesson learned, no “and the moral of the story is…” Just gripe, gripe, gripe. It’s been shared over 50 times. Really people? I have a theory. In addition to whining (or whinging as the Canadians say), I posted this picture. The theory […]

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    Another milepost

    Another milepost

    Today is my 200th straight post in the Great Blog Project, and another opportunity to reevaluate where I am and where I think I’m going with this little experiment. On day 100, my goal was to become a better writer. 100 days later and I’m good! Kidding. Actually, that’s probably a life-long endeavor, and I […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Camp Week

    This week our girls have Girl Scout Twilight Camp and our boys have Cub Scout Twilight Camp. For the first year in 5 years, I’m not at Girl Scout Camp. I miss it. And I’m very, very tired after just one day. I’m too old for camp. Links! Coffee as a health beverage. I drink […]

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    100 Days of Blogging

    100 Days of Blogging

    A little over three months ago, I decided to be more intentional about blogging, to blog every day to be precise. So, what have I learned? (Actually, that’s not entirely accurate in my case, as my commenters are very kind.) This has actually been a very helpful and clarifying few months. It’s funny how being […]

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    The great blog experiment, one month later

    At the beginning of the month I challenged myself to blog every day. The basic premise is momentum. It’s easier to keep doing something if you’ve been doing something, or as Jerry Seinfeld said, “Don’t break the chain.” Put another way, it’s easier to do something when it’s habit. The only way to form a […]

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    Changes around the blog

    It is not necessary to change.  Survival is not mandatory.  ~W. Edwards Deming  I have been a sporadic blogger for about six years now. Not coincidentally, my youngest child is also 6, which accounts for the sporadic.  I am a wife and mother before I’m a blogger. And not just a mother, but a homeschool […]

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    Stealing is tacky

    This is my copyright disclaimer on my blog (bottom left): © April Thompson and Oddly Said, 2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to April Thompson […]

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  • Wounded blog

    A variety of technical problems, life issues, and general mayhem have lead to blog silence. Right now, the only way I can blog is on my kindle. It’s a little better than typing on a phone, but not much. Hopefully, MTG will get my dashboard fixed so I can get back to blogging. cost viagra […]

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  • Taking the plunge

    I finally did it. After thinking about it for a long time, I’m leaving blogspot and Question the Culture. You’ll notice I haven’t blogged for a while. I made myself blog for the month of March, but my heart wasn’t in it. One of my problems–perhaps my main problem–was feeling that most of my posts […]

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  • I haven’t abandoned the blog!

    But…I am planning on abandoning the blog. Or relocating.  So cheap india viagra Experts said, women must pay attention to what she wants or just ignore her, it is also being accused of the male species’ shortcomings such as, aggression, violence and sexual promiscuity ( because it improves the libido and making the vein subside. […]

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