Two weeks without blogging. Yikes. Very bad blogger. I will say that my life has been crazy hectic. MTG was traveling, we had a homemade summer camp, and, oh yes, the 3 therapy sessions at various locals around the state. But I repent of my bad blogging ways and shall attempt to blog every day […]
Our youngest is nicknamed Gigglemeister on this blog. It’s a very accurate nickname, because he is a giggly little guy. But, well, the nickname is a little verbose. It doesn’t flow. And for the past few months he’s been doing this growly little vocalization that sounds a lot like Louis Armstrong scattin’. So, without further […]
It’s my blog birthday. Yes, I could say blogoversary, but then I couldn’t post this: This medicine can in addition have an effect on your facial nerves, facial muscles together with the other brands that are producing the generic brands of the medicine. purchase viagra without prescription is an oral medication which one needs to […]
I’ve decided to bequeath my little ones with noms de (my) plume for the blog. It’s getting a little awkward typing out “my 7 year old daughter” every time I want to refer to the little nipper. That being said, I don’t want to use their real names. So, without further ado, the family: My […]
Coming hard on the heels of my Jonah day, I received the Nice Matters award from Renae at Life Nurturing Education. The timing seems uncomfortable since I don’t feel particularly nice, but I’m honored. Thank you, Renae, I shall try to live up to the spirit of the award: “This award will be awarded to […]
Dana at Principled Discovery has awarded me the Blogger Reflection Award at her super elite virtual Blogger Award Banquet. I’m very honored and not quite sure how I scored an invite. I hope I reflect more than I pop off. I know IRL, I’m prone to the latter. Right now, I’m not being very reflective […]