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    Empty Shelf: An American Classic

    Empty Shelf: An American Classic

    Title: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Author: Mark Twain, read by Norman Dietz What’s it About:  The sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (which we also listened to), he of the famous fence whitewashing episode, this is the tale of Huck Finn and his adventures traveling down the river with his friend Jim, who […]

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    Eating my words

    Eating my words

    *This post contains affiliated links. Here’s the truth: Homeschoolers — particularly Charlotte Mason-inspired homeschoolers — can be a bit snobbish when it comes to books. You’ll hear us go on and on (and on) about “living books” as opposed to “twaddle” or textbooks. And I totally agree! Good books, well-written and well-told stories, are a […]

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    Empty Shelf Challenge: The Killer Angels

    Empty Shelf Challenge: The Killer Angels

    This post contains affiliated links. Title: The Killer Angels Authors: Michael Shaara What’s it about: This is a historical novel about the Battle of Gettysburg, following key figures from both sides, in particular, Col. Joshua Chamberlain on the Union side and Gen. James Longstreet of the Confederacy. There are other major figures from the Civil […]

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    Empty Shelf Challenge: The Forgotten Man

    Empty Shelf Challenge: The Forgotten Man

    *This post contains affiliated links. I started writing this post at the beginning of the week. It has been eaten and spat back up by digital gremlins more than a couple of times. Then it got unwieldy, and I hacked it back with aggressive deleting. Then it grew again, despite my best efforts. I don’t […]

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    Empty Shelf Challenge: The History of EVERYTHING!

    Empty Shelf Challenge: The History of EVERYTHING!

    Well, not everything, but a lot. And I actually didn’t read it; I listened to the audio book. So yes, this picture is a lie. But after three books on my Kindle, I wanted something on my shelf. And I will get around to actually reading it.   Just a note: The audio book is […]

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    Empty Shelf Challenge: On Basilisk Station

    Empty Shelf Challenge: On Basilisk Station

    My fourth book for the Empty Shelf Challenge is not part of the mother-daughter book club. Oddly, I chose this sci-fi tale because of Beth Moore. What? Beth Moore, the bible study lady? Yes, that Beth Moore. I was feeling guilty about downloading a bunch of free kindle books that she was offering on Amazon […]

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    Our history journey with Lewis and Clark

    Our history journey with Lewis and Clark

    Over the course of two years, we’re studying American history in our homeschool.  We’ve been stuck Lewis and Clark for what seems like forever because of travel and camp and convention. Honestly, I haven’t minded because it’s such a fascinating adventure.  A couple of years ago, I read Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose and was […]

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    Rediscovering Nature, part 2: The great disconnect

    Second in a sporadic series about From Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. When I was a child, I use to roam my grandparents property, sometimes with my brother, sometimes alone or with friends.  We explored four acres of West Texas wilderness, eight with my uncle’s adjoining property.  There wasn’t much out there, rabbits, […]

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    A book review, of sorts

    Last week we visited MTG’s family in Minnesota. I thought it was a great time to read The Bloggess’s book Let’s Pretend This Never Happened. It was hilarious and sad and great. Read it. Not enough of a review? Fine then. But first a bunch of disclaimers. Who shouldn’t read this book: If you don’t […]

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    Rediscovering nature, first in a series

    I grew up in an ugly place. (I can hear my mom now, “April! It is not ugly, it has it’s own beauty.”)  Well, beauty is supposedly in the eye of the  beholder, and this beholder says it’s ugly.  Or rather, it has an absence of beauty. Except for our skies. Our skies are gorgeous. […]

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