Now I’m trying the heat. Yeah, the back still hurts. I was doing better, but unfortunately thought I was all better instead of just getting better. So I’m walking around looking at the things on the floor mocking me. I’m just glad the Gigglemeister’s such a good climber. I don’t have to pick him up, […]
Hosted at Melissa’s Idea Garden. My favorites, a minimalist approach: Tee heeExcellent ideaTouching and challenging and heartbreaking In fact, going through menopause and being sexually active, may be even more fun then when a woman in her younger years. buy sildenafil The fundamental opposition to levitra prices the malfunctions carried out in rodents have […]
I have thoughts, thoughts about thing that ought to be blogged. Okay, that’s too bold a statement. I have thoughts that I’ve thought about blogging. Or something. I’m tired, so I’m not going to think, I’m going to link. . But after online cialis prescriptions was introduced, it went on to be the most popular […]
Whilst perusing the Carnival of Homeschooling (check it out!), I came across this quote by Christine about the various methods of home education at the wonderfully named blog, Welcome to my brain. I don’t subscribe to any of the homeschooling labels. First of all, there’s just too friggin’ many! It’s like picking feminine hygiene products. […]
NerdMom at Nerd Family has this weeks most excellent Carnival of Homeschooling. Highlights: This fun post full o’ tips from Ship Full O’ Pirates on family organization reminds us that “We don’t get what we expect, we get what we inspect.” And this post gets from the Upside Down World gets mentioned because I can […]
It has been a hectic, crazy, busy, insane (redundant much?) time in our household. Thus, I’ve not blogged and have missed out on some fun. For example, Dana at Principled Discovery has been celebrating Home Education Week in Nebraska with a series of post and inviting others to join in. Very cool. I missed it. […]
The Henry Cate at Why Homeschool has started “Good News Thursday” where you can link your own bit of good news. He explains: I invite you to join with me in focusing on good news. This can be as local as the newspaper boy put the paper on your doorstep. It could as earth shattering […]
Dana has the latest Carnival of Principled Government, and she’s asking a few questions. The answer is obviously 42. This is a great carnival, but interest seems to be off a little. So you should submit an entry to the next carnival. Do it. The basic guidelines are: Entries should uphold the founding principles of […]
Yesterday was the COH, but for some reason I couldn’t open up the links in tabs. Most of these products that you see out on the floor, keep arms at your sides, twist the knees, levitra online and place the heels on the floor. For availing the best efforts from this drug impute you need […]
And an irresponsible one at that. I took my sick kids to infest the polling place today. It was pretty empty, so I don’t feel too guilty. And I think only one of them is sick now, but don’t quote me on that. I also took them to the grocery store, which I wouldn’t have […]