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    What she said

    The Carnival of Homeschooling is up at the Daily Planet. (Is it just me, or does it seem like definite articles are overdone in that sentence?) I’m tired. The kids are still sick. Again. Some more. So I’m not reading all the entries tonight. But this article by Rational Jenn is definitely worth reading. She […]

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    Carnivals, new and less new

    It’s Carnival day. The Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival: A Good Airing is up, all about “Mother Culture.” I’m still going through the entries, but Tea Party has a very encouraging post entitled, “It’s Not All Up to You.”Carnival of Homeschooling is up. And Carnival of Principled Government, which I keep missing for entries and reading, […]

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    Links and laughs

    The Carnival of Homeschooling No. 109 was posted yesterday at Life on the Road. I started to pick out my favorites, but wasn’t even halfway through and I had 8 posts, so I ditched that idea. This, You can look out for kamagra viagra without prescription online. Rather, it deals with all types of diseases […]

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    She’s a bit early, but that’s okay

    Judy Aron at Consent of the Governed has the Carnival Of Homeschooling – Martin Luther King Edition. The good Doctor’s observed birthday isn’t until next Monday, but better early than late, right? Lots of good stuff, but if you read nothing else, read this post. Missy at Life without School has some good advice on […]

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    The Highly Organized Carnival of Principled Government

    She’s Right has done a great job with the 17th COPD: Carnival of Principled Government. I love this carnival because you can get a great taste of all sorts of issues and opinions from people thinking about government. Not just elections or issues, but the institutions and philosophies connected with governing. Makes ya think. Improper […]

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    Brain dump, with links!

    In the comments of this post, Renae and I had a little conversation about book reading. I noted, “I’m a pretty “creative” reader. I have a purse book, a bathroom book, and a car book. I heard someone talk about “feasting on a banquet of crumbs” with regards to moms of young kids getting devotional […]

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    Good quotes, odd quotes and links

    Amy at Amy’s Humble Musings quoting another mom blog: “Say that you rail and your rail with your children about all kinds of things: drugs and rock music and Christian music and weak Christianity and sugar and white bread and recycling and ‘those’ people and bad literature and mud on their boots and dirty houses […]

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    Gigglemeister has an ear infection, plus that nasty cold that is filled with snot and phlegmy coughs. Therefore, he finds it uncomfortable to sleep laying down. Therefore, the mommy shall hold him just so for his all important beauty sleep. Therefore, the mommy isn’t very beautiful today. Plus MTG had to be at a job […]

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    Pooh Cakes! and links

    The Gigglemeister turns one tomorrow. (One! Can you believe it!) We are busy preparing for his party tonight because tomorrow is the Girl Scout party and this weekend is the piano recital and choir practice for church. So we’ll celebrate today. Poor little Guy has a cold, which is a cruel birthday gift. He is […]

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    Odds and ends

    We had craft mania this morning. A friend and her daughter came over and we did 5 crafts in three hours, some with the bulldozer (who adds a measure of drama to any activity.) Mostly we did the very easy, put together for you Oriental Trading Company crafts. We also made cinnamon applesauce ornament. I […]

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