Yesterday I highlighted dogs, who are worthy of such attention. However, I don’t want to neglect our feline friends, lest Keaggy eat my face off in my sleep. Keaggy, who has always been off, has become increasingly less stable since his brother’s death this summer. He has become more outgoing, though. He’ll come out and […]
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“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope that the creation The University of Bristol conducted study that showed people’s moods significantly improved on days when they exercised. cialis uk click […]
In my single days, I had a few different roommates. Some were awesome and still good friends (Hi, Ana!) Some were. . . interesting? I had one roommate who had a cat that died. She then suggested we get cats together, so we adopted two kittens, Keaggy (my cat) and Herbicide (her cat who ate […]
What’s the difference between a cat and a dog? A dog ponders his relationship with man: “He feeds me, he grooms me, he takes care of all my needs… He must be God!” A cat thinks: “He feeds me, grooms me, takes care of me. I must be God.” Which reminded me of this: It […]
I’m very busy, and very tired, and I kinda just want to do this. Alas, I do not have a box big enough for me to curl up in. Sigh. Links! A photo essay of children from around the world and their most prized possessions. What would be in your photograph? Reviews of math apps […]
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The day starts with crazy insane chaos. Disobedience, whining, fighting. Just now 7:30. I go into my room to go to get dressed, baby on my hip. The cats look up from their naps. Kamini Capsules a discovery by Ayurved Research Foundation is an effective herbal remedy for low libido in men. buy cialis from […]