Some of you may think that this is the beginning of the Christmas season. Some of you are already a month into it. But before you start jingling your bells, hold up a hot minute. This is actually the Thanksgiving season. We have 3 weeks to prepare for — and celebrate — Thanksgiving. Christmas, […]
A few years ago, I wrote for an online newspaper for about a year. In the beginning, it was hosted by The Washington Times, but when they moved to their own platform, all those old stories were deleted. (When they say the internet is forever, that’s not exactly true. ) I’m not horribly torn up about […]
Now that Thanksgiving is over, we are officially and fully in the Christmas season. Traditionally, this is the weekend that we pull everything down from the attic, spend the whole day decorating, and “prepare” for Christmas in one fell swoop. But that didn’t happen this year. The turkey is eaten; the pie is gone; the scarecrows […]
Radio stations across the country are already playing Christmas Carols. Municipalities have their decorations up. Really Fredericksburg? Already? — Eric H. (@ericinva) October 30, 2014 It is advised to consume these capsules two times every day with a glass of cialis cheap uk milk or plain water. The significant part of […]
And, man, do I need it. Do you know what the problem is with having imaginative children? They never want the costume you can buy at Party City. Never. The boys are being Hank and Drover from the Hank the Cowdog Series, and somehow I’ve been roped into being Sally May, the ranch wife. (I […]
Deals at the Amazon Star Wars Store in honor of the day. (af) In all sorts of brand levitra 20mg , Kamagra is proven medication for erectile dysfunction. Food ordering cialis online and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that side effect is getting an erection. Most experts agree that consuming a moderate amount of alcohol, […]
My column today at The Washington Times Community Pages is my favorite I have written by far. I talked and corresponded with a variety of immigrants and their children to find out their thoughts and celebrations of Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun hearing what they thought of my favorite holiday and how they […]
This morning, the talking heads on the radio were talking about the early celebration of Christmas and how we needed to do that this year because Thanksgiving is late which means we have less than a month to celebrate Christmas and screw Thanksgiving anyway. (Okay, I may have added that last bit.) I’ve heard this […]
Because the Christmas season does not start until Thanksgiving is over. Thanksgiving is a beloved and wonderful holiday and deserves it’s due. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Thanksgiving. I don’t want to rush through Thanksgiving and miss all of autumn in a rush to get to Christmas. There will be no Christmas decorations, […]
Today is Halloween, AKA All Hallow’s Eve, AKA give me some candy! It’s also Reformation Day. On this day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, in a theological challenge. The rest is church history. But what is a Protestant person to do if they want […]