Since March 1, 2013, I have posted something on my blog every day. From lengthy rants, to regular features, to weirdness, to place fillers, I’ve followed Jerry Seinfeld’s advice on writing: Don’t break the chain. But now I’m going to break it deliberately. Why would I want to break a two-year streak on purpose? Mainly […]
In years past, I’ve had one or two big planning sessions where I could shut out the world, hunker down with the books and the charts and the lists, and get the major overview of our year planned. For various (and frankly unsatisfying) reasons, that hasn’t happened this year. I’ve snatched moments here, scribbled down […]
As we’ve been studying American history, I’ve been choosing folk songs to go along with the era studied. Right now we’re in the 30s, and while it’s still possible to find folk songs that go with the era, the type of folk song is changing. Last month, I chose a popular song that was adopted […]
Next year, my oldest child will be in 8th grade, which means I have one year to prepare to homeschool a high school student. Homeschooling through high school brings up all sorts of anxieties, not only because of the challenges of high school, but because you also have to prepare both your child for college–mentally, […]
It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming I have been a sporadic blogger for about six years now. Not coincidentally, my youngest child is also 6, which accounts for the sporadic. I am a wife and mother before I’m a blogger. And not just a mother, but a homeschool […]
You know when you buy a book, a painting, an instrument, a CD, a DVD, anything really, it’s yours? I mean, it’s a pretty basic economic concept: you exchange money for something you value. Except, now in the brave new world of digital media, the old guard doesn’t want to play by those rules. A […]