The late Larry Burkett, noted Christian financial teacher, said that money is a magnifier. Whatever you are, gets bigger. If you are generous, abundance will result in more abundance. If you’re greedy, abundance will result in greater greed. That’s true of money, but it’s also true of a lot of other things, both good and […]
I know I’ve posted this before, but seriously, this is a message my kids need to hear. With four kids in different grades, I like to combine lessons when I can to keep me sane-ish. Even when they aren’t combined, they are generally doing the same thing in a subject like math. For example, […]
Tonight our homeschool group is having the end of year banquet where each child is awarded a character certificate by their parents. This is the first year we’ve done this, so I was sure what to do. Most families focus on a spiritual virtue in which their child has grown. Talking with MTG, it didn’t […]
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to take offense? Please note I’m not talking about actual injury or those charming individuals who go around purposefully saying and doing things for the sole purpose of causing offense. That is an entirely different matter. I’m talking about taking offense where no offense was intended, to […]
I had an interesting experience in a craft store this afternoon. Apparently some local middle school teacher of indeterminate subject assigned some sort of detested project. Many irritated parents accompanied the young scholars to gather styrofoam pieces and paint. I have no idea what they were making. I do know nobody was very happy about […]
In case you missed it, (and you are very blessed if you have) this video went viral today. So you won’t have to click on it, I’ll sum up. It’s a pop song titled “Friday” by a young (13?) girl named Rebecca Black. I’m tempted to say it’s a parody of a mindless pop song, […]
1. Daring without judgment; madly rash and adventurous; foolishly bold. 1928 edition of Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language 2. see also Christopher Hitchens. So Christopher Hitchens decided to improve a swastika in Lebanon and got attacked for his troubles. It’s one of those “Good for you, you fool!” moments. I’m glad he didn’t […]
From the frugal hacks blog One of the ways that I believe you raise children who refuse to live frugally is constantly telling them you don’t have any money while you’re indulging your own small pleasures. A meal at Burger King, a soda at the gas station, or even a pack of gum is — […]
As previously mentioned, Little Miss had tendon lengthening surgery on her ankles last week. She has been doing very well and the pain is mostly gone. She has a walker to get around the house, but it’s a bit cumbersome. The doctor told her that she’d be able walk without the walker in a couple […]