I came across this classic Stuff Christians Like post in my Facebook memories: Not Knowing How to Drop Your Kid Off at Sunday School. Can something from 2009 be considered a classic? Anyway, he has great advice that all parents should know. The childcare drop-off is NOT a simple affair, and too often parents are uninformed […]
Yesterday, we pulled down the kids swing set/fort/backdrop for all things magical. We’ve been planning to take it down for a couple of years now — when we had the time. But time is one thing that we always seem to be lacking. Finally, MTG went out and took a look at it. He […]
“What!” Billy was incredulous. “He takes your nose? And your mom lets him?” “Worse than that,” Joey nodded grimly, “She laughed. Not only that, she introduced us. She made me say ‘Hi’ and take my finger out of my nose” Billy made a peas-for-dinner face. “What did you do?” “I made him give it back. […]
Dust off your library cards (or, if you’re a homeschooler, pay up your fines!), it’s time for summer reading! But first, some thoughts on summer reading plans, programs, and purposes. (Please note, this is just my opinion based on my own experience, not The Authoritative Method for Summer Reading.) I love to read, and one […]
I pray you find him. I pray you reach him. (Strong, not unnecessary language. I can only imagine the fear that mama was feeling. Yes, children, that was fear that motivated that reaction. Fear and love.) Storage: Store at room cialis pills http://davidfraymusic.com/david-is-back-in-the-studio/ temperature between 59 and 86 degrees F (15-30 degrees C) away from […]
This post contains affiliated and dangerous links. We’re listening to Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing in the car. It was published in 1972, and I read it as a kid. I have fond memories of the whole Judy Blume oeuvre. But listening to it with my kids, I have to say I’m shocked that […]
For more on my Lenten Focus, see my Ash Wednesday post. A quick summary is that I am spending Lent fasting and praying for the Persecuted Church and I invite you to join me. While being a Christian in restricted nations is difficult for all believers, Christian women face additional dangers and challenges. In most […]
“Again, we know that the human hand is a wonderful and exquisite instrument to be used in a hundred movements exacting delicacy, direction and force; every such movement is a cause of joy as it leads to the pleasure of execution and the triumph of success. We begin to understand this and make some efforts […]
Kids are funny. Their responses are unfiltered by cultural conventions. They say what they mean and they mean what they say. And honestly, if we weren’t allowed to laugh at our kids, none of us would survive parenthood. Gen-Xers*, in particular, seem to make their way through life by mocking most everything, and parenthood is […]
Satchmo was born eight years ago today, two weeks before Christmas and the same day my husband finally received the long-awaited transfer from Virginia to Texas. It was a chaotic time, to say the least: new baby, selling our house, and moving across the country. Symbolic of this chaos: he was born (via c-section) peeing […]