Last night, the Leonid meteor shower peaked. Despite being bone tired, I duly set my alarm for 1 a.m. But at 1 a.m., that part of my brain that would really like just five minutes of peace and a good night sleep for once, dangit, said, “Don’t you dare.” So I didn’t. There should be […]
I know I’ve posted this before, but seriously, this is a message my kids need to hear. With four kids in different grades, I like to combine lessons when I can to keep me sane-ish. Even when they aren’t combined, they are generally doing the same thing in a subject like math. For example, […]
My eldest daughter and I are doing yet another sugar detox. I want bread. I want a croissant. And some cereal. And a bagel. And a cookie. But noooooo, it’s all sugary and not on the list. Honestly, if my kid didn’t do this with me, I’d have fallen off the wagon on Day 2. […]
I finally got around to getting Little Miss in for her well-child checkup, although at 14 she’s not really a child. It’s probably time to switch to a family doctor for her, but eh, we like her pediatrician, even if she is a bit skittish. Has anyone met a non-afraid pediatrician? I’m pretty sure she […]
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*This post contains affiliated links. I want to say at the outset that this post is not just for homeschoolers. I’m a homeschooling mom who is writing about a homeschooling mom that has a podcast. But this is in no way, shape, or form does this pertain only to homeschoolers. What I’m saying pertains to […]
School still doesn’t start till next week, but all the appointments are now back on the calendar. That means an extra six hours in the car a week, which means the return of audio books! This year is slightly different because the girls will not be trekking to the boys therapy appointments this year, so […]
*This post has affiliated links I inspired a podcast, y’all! I did! My friend Jimmie Bise, former host of The Delivery and current co-host of Strange Worlds Travelogue, took my suggestion and did a show on sci-fi for kids. I hope I use my powers of persuasion for good. Not having kids of their own […]