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    No longer my baby girl

    No longer my baby girl

    Except she’ll always be my baby girl. Look at this photo I’m almost positive was taken last week! I may be off on the date. Anyway, Little Miss turns 14 today. She’s not a child. She’s not yet a full-fledged adult with all the rights and privileges thereof, but she’s well on her way. She’s […]

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    I have confiscated all the Legos. I’m pretty sure I got them all. There are so dang many that it’s possible I missed some. Legos, so my boys tell me, distract them from doing what I ask. So do balls and trucks and green grass and blue skies and siblings and anything not the task […]

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    Tonight our homeschool group is having the end of year banquet where each child is awarded a character certificate by their parents. This is the first year we’ve done this, so I was sure what to do. Most families focus on a spiritual virtue in which their child has grown. Talking with MTG, it didn’t […]

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    Life lesson

    Life lesson

    It’s important to be able to say, “I don’t know.” Moreover, it’s important to say, “I don’t know” and then leave it at that. While often that phrase launches a search for knowledge, it doesn’t always have to. We can just not know something. We can be okay with unanswered questions and “gaps” in our […]

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    Timing is everything

    Timing is everything

    In my ongoing agricultural war, I’ve made a lot of headway. We solved the water problem, moved the beds to the front to solve the sunlight issue, fenced the beds in to guard against evil rabbits, and provide the little plantlets with delicious and nutritious worm poop. But one critical aspect is timing. You gotta […]

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    The makings of a criminal mastermind

    The makings of a criminal mastermind

    If he’s like this at two, can you imagine what he’ll be like at It also contains those herbs which are online cialis purchase highly effective in diabetes management. 1. Lifestyle Leading to Impotence Young men using or that are an abuse of recreational drugs and alcohol are more likely for having erectile dysfunction and […]

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    Fine Arts Friday: Too much of a good thing

    Fine Arts Friday: Too much of a good thing

    Our artist for this term is Edouard Manet. Here’s a good short kid’s bio of Manet and the list of suggested works from Ambleside. (We flipped terms two and three to accompany our history topics.) I’m not going to talk a lot about Manet, except to say I like him a lot and because he […]

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    Advice from a toddler

    Advice from a toddler

    Lately, I’ve been a little dismayed at the tendency to for everyone to be so very indignant about every dang thing. To “take on others offenses” as my mom says. There is so much outrage and shaky fists that somebody somewhere might be doing something that they ought not do. I’m not talking about actual […]

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    End of an era

    End of an era

    Today Satchmo turns 7. Seven. Seven is no longer a little boy. A young boy, sure. A kid, definitely. But not a little boy. “I’m not a little boy, Mom!” But Satchmo is my youngest, my baby. So this feels harder than the others. Sure, it was bittersweet watching the others get so big and […]

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    Cute posting

    Cute posting

    Today has been a busy, busy day because of a thing I can’t yet talk about. It’s also about a hundred bajillion degrees, which makes thinking — ergo blogging — difficult. Yes, I do put some thought into this blog. Anyway, I can’t think of anything better than this adorableness I saw this morning. You […]

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