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    Vive la difference!

    Last Friday we spent the day with our local homeschool group at a small zoo and then a member of the group’s ranch to do ranchy things.  It was a lovely day, spoiled only by the Sprite coming to me almost in tears because, “The boys won’t stop fighting!”  See them fight:     This […]

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    Rediscovering Nature, part 2: The great disconnect

    Second in a sporadic series about From Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv. When I was a child, I use to roam my grandparents property, sometimes with my brother, sometimes alone or with friends.  We explored four acres of West Texas wilderness, eight with my uncle’s adjoining property.  There wasn’t much out there, rabbits, […]

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    Rediscovering nature, first in a series

    I grew up in an ugly place. (I can hear my mom now, “April! It is not ugly, it has it’s own beauty.”)  Well, beauty is supposedly in the eye of the  beholder, and this beholder says it’s ugly.  Or rather, it has an absence of beauty. Except for our skies. Our skies are gorgeous. […]

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    Huge little things

    This is longer than I intended it to be, and far more personal. I’m always a bit reluctant to post about my real life, particularly about my kids.  After all, they didn’t choose to blog, I did.  And even with nicknames and vague descriptions, I’m still sharing about their private lives.   I particularly don’t want […]

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    Back with a bang (UPDATED)

    (Note: This post will remain at the top of the page until the end of the give-away. Scroll down for newer posts.) Or a give away.  The blog injuries have been healed, and although I’m still crazy busy, I need to write.  And if I’m going to write, why shouldn’t I inflict it on the […]

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    Asplode with the cute

    I swear, that first kid is telling the second kid the story behind Deemark Shakti Prash Erectile brokenness otherwise called weakness is the powerlessness to get and keep up viagra sildenafil an erection that lasts long enough to have sex. They are all derivatives of cialis brand online which is the premium brand. Empowr aims […]

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    Everything you need to know…

    about Little Miss in one letter, with the note “Do not open till you are on the plane!!” Spelling and punctuation in the original.  (My friend is Lori, not Lourie, I think she was compounding some names.) Dear Mom,I love you a lot and hope you have a safe flight. I will miss you a […]

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    My precocious child

    Because I’ve told this story twice in the past week and I’m too tired to blog anything that makes my brain work: a story about Sprite, my 8-year-old daughter. (That’s so you can skip this if you’d rather not read a mommy blogging post.) Last fall, I was taking Sprite to something softball related and […]

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    Teaching my children the whole lesson

    One of my favorite poems to teach my children is “Listen to the Mustn’ts” by Shel Silverstein. It was one of the first poems memorized by both of my girls, and the boys will memorize it as soon as they master certain consonant combinations. In that way, when go to the drugstore on line cialis […]

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    We. Are. Adorable!!

    It’s memory and nostalgia and awwww, how cute all rolled into one lump of happy feelings. Although this are mild and manageable but there are rare cases order generic viagra of much severe conditions that had happen to only few users. However, recent medical studies have shed more light levitra vs cialis on it causes. […]

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