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    Real Life

    For a moment, I’m going to utterly, unattractively, unsparingly real.  And all I ask is that you neither, “There, there, dear, God doesn’t give us more than we can handle!” me; nor “What you REALLY need to do is X” me.  Honestly.  I’m gonna blog and then I don’t want to hear about it.  From […]

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    They went thata way!

    Today my daughters left. On a jet plane. They’ll be back on Sept 6. So, not so much like the song. They’re spending a week with their grandparents in Minnesota, then we’ll drive up and spend another week before heading home through Mansfield, Missouri and this lovely locale. We’re also going to the Minnesota State […]

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    Mama as Yoda

    Do or do not. There is no whine. Come to think of it, that would have worked for Luke, Cheap Kamagra in Different Forms & side effects from cialis Flavors The Ajanta Pharmacy has produced this medicine by using sildenafil citrate, which is a PDE-5 (Phosphodiesterase Type 5) inhibitor. Do not stop taking them free […]

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    Little Miss, my oldest daughter, the child who is frighteningly like me, said that she had lots of friends in books. She has friends in England and friends in China, friends from 1609 and friends who travel through time. It made my heart happy and I still have a silly grin on my face. All […]

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    Satchmo woke up at midnight last night. He was okay at first, but became very upset when I couldn’t figure out what he was trying to communicate. He wanted . . . something. A drink? No. Something to eat? No. Lie down with mommy? Definitely not. Okay, let’s walk. Um, not it. Finally, finally, finally, […]

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    How do people in the Northwest do it?

    It has been rainy for 3 days past forever. Approximately. Five weeks into my girls’ softball season and all but one of their games has been canceled–and it looks like tonight’s game is rained out, too. Stuck in the house with sick kids, we can’t even make a run to the Chick-Fil-A indoor play ground. […]

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    And now a moment for the children

    We have a private blog for family picture, cute kid sayings, and other things no one but people who love us want or need to see. MTG set up a blog for the girls. This is what you get when you open your blog You will price for generic viagra have an erection that shall […]

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    Party like an Egyptian

    Today we had Little Miss’s 9th Birthday party. She has been enamored of ancient Egypt for a long, long time. This year she wanted an Ancient Egypt Birthday Party. On the upside, it’s much more interesting than your typical Disney character party. However, it requires a bit more thought, creativity and effort. But she’s worth […]

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    Funny kid, real funny

    Today was Satchmo’s 2nd speech session after his initial evaluation. He said nothing last week, but we figured he was just a little shy. This week, he also said nothing. He did his usual pointing and the new squeaking his added to his repertoire, which is really annoying. Now, Satchmo has speech delays. His vocabulary […]

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    Missing the point

    “Boys, stop throwing grapes!” “Can we roll them?” Sure! Watch the floor for grapes, I don’t know that we got them all. They were at it a good 10 Taken once a day, it has received approval from frankkrauseautomotive.com viagra online buy the Food and Drugs Administration for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, low desire […]

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