• Well, this is new

    The Bulldozer has discovered the delights of disrobing. Mostly, it’s just the shirt. But the other night, he stripped bare, climbed into our bed, and then peed in it. Of course, he was on my side of the bed. We heard him run into our room, but when we peaked in, he was all covered […]

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    FridaySaturday Five: a meme

    I’m being a joiner today and participating in the Friday Five – Things We Love About Our Kids meme. Because my kids are so wonderful. But in the spirit of non-conformity, I’m gonna post it on Saturday, because I can. (Oh, and I had to leave in the middle of typing the post yesterday.) 1. […]

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    It’s funny because it’s true

    Following a bunny trail of links, I came across this hi-larious wiki entry. And I should say in passing, I’m more than a little disturbed that there is such a beast as a “ChadWiki,” but I do appreciate this: Various Other Laws, Statutes, and Ordinances Bite not, lest you be cast into quiet time. Neither […]

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    Quarantine time?

    My girls are still swapping the icky virus, taking turns being sick, giving me one day of false hope, then doing it again. It’s enough to drive a girl crazy. MTG is traveling. He’s in Virginia for training and went out early to see old friends. (Hi, old friends!) He was going to stay with […]

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    Well, that’s discouraging

    The Bulldozer had his 3-year checkup this morning, and we discussed his digestive issues. So I get to collect FIVE stool samples. One of the suggestions is to turn his diaper inside out so that it isn’t absorbent. Unfortunately, that’s asking for disaster with his, ahem, digestive issues. So this out to be interesting. Anyone […]

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  • Space cowboy

    I love the sci-fi show Firefly (and the movie Serenity.) When I read somewhere that they may be doing a sequel to Serenity, I did a little dance. I believe there may have been whooping involved. In fact, according to the infallible interwebs quiz, I am actually Zoe Washburne. (Subtle hint to the family: I […]

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    Journey into a strange new land

    Warning: this post deals with poop and vomit. We think the Bulldozer has food sensitivities, definitely to milk, perhaps also to gluten. So we are doing a two-week gluten free, casein free (GFCF) diet for the little guy, just in time for his birthday. Woo-hoo. When I first weaned him (at about 13 months) he […]

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    Experiential Knowledge

    Boys and girls are different. Well, duh. This is a no-brainer. I figured this out as soon as I figured out people came in two types. I knew boys are different than girls. But now that I have my own boys, I know it in a whole new way. I have two boys. Two small […]

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    This has been a season of firsts for my little ones. Gigglemeister has taken his first steps. The Sprite has lost her first tooth. The Bulldozer got his first (toy) gun. It’s a rubber-band guns, but the rubber-band action is for MTG. Little Miss had a first today, the first book to make her cry. […]

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    Achingly beautiful

    This post at Holy Experience. It’s fill your They are cheap viagra tablet secreted by the pituitary gland. Neurological – Parkinson’s disease and wholesale viagra from canada Multiple Sclerosis are some of the other medical conditions that can disrupt the flow of blood to the penis, leading to ED. Denver Nuggets (2) – generic viagra […]

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