In case you missed it, Victoria Osteen, wife of Joel Osteen, has stunned Christendom with … well, I’ll let you listen to her pronouncement. Amen, Bill. Amen. Here’s a transcript if you can’t watch the video: “I just want to encourage every one of us to realize when we obey God, we’re […]
A passage that came to mind while yielding for pedestrians in the parking lot, from The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis: I think I warned you before that if your can’t be kept out of the Church, he ought to at least be violently attached to some party within it. I don’t mean on really […]
My mind automatically goes to this scripture: Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and […]
If Christianity is true why are not all Christians obviously nicer than all non-Christians? What lies behind that question is partly something very reasonable and partly something that is not reasonable at all. The reasonable part is this. If conversion to Christianity makes no improvement in a man’s outward actions–if he continues to be just […]
A different point of view in the infant baptism/believer baptism debate. This cialis online pill results in better friction when the penis enters the vagina. These medicines prescription order viagra without are being used since centuries as these medicines provide quick and long-lasting relief. Based on the several different variety of reviews on online medicine […]
I’ve become something of a podcast junkie lately, and recently my sister turned me on to Hardcore History. (Thanks, sis!) If you’re at all interested in history, you should check it out. The host, Dan Carlin, says he’s not a historian but a history fan. As such, he puts together shows of varied topics that […]
Actually, that’s not quite accurate. I don’t struggle with introversion, I quite enjoy it. Rather, I’m struggling to find a place to serve as a Christian who is an introvert. For quite a while, I’ve used the excuse that my season of life as a mother of children, especially a homeschool mom, is my mission […]
*This post contains affiliated links Four transcribed conversations and fifteen letters: if that was the record of your life, would it be sufficient? Would your be able to fill that space with anything worth remembering? Moreover, would there be enough wisdom in that brief space that all of Christendom would be quoting you almost 400 […]
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to take offense? Please note I’m not talking about actual injury or those charming individuals who go around purposefully saying and doing things for the sole purpose of causing offense. That is an entirely different matter. I’m talking about taking offense where no offense was intended, to […]
From today Table Talk devotional: “[S]in often takes things that the law says are good in themselves and deceives us into making them ultimate goods, that is idols. If we rest all our hope in achieving something that the law says is good — obedient children, a good name, and so forth — we might […]