Some of you may think that this is the beginning of the Christmas season. Some of you are already a month into it. But before you start jingling your bells, hold up a hot minute. This is actually the Thanksgiving season. We have 3 weeks to prepare for — and celebrate — Thanksgiving. Christmas, […]
You are about to see the extent of my crafting ability. Well, sort of. I took a before picture and an after picture. You’ll have to use your imagination for the during picture. Take one plain wreath and with sad bow, a box of Doctor Who ornaments, and a hot glue gun. (Hot glue gun […]
This post may contain affiliated links. After many years of switching between three Advent devotionals, we are using a new resource, Prepare Him Room: Celebrating the Birth of Jesus by Marty Machowski. Our church gave copies to all the families, which was very nice of them. Thank you! In keeping with my “embrace the imperfect” […]
My advent wreath is handmade. Before you get all admiring of my craftiness, it’s just a simple wreath with wooden candle holders precariously attached with hot glue. The candles are never quite vertical, which adds an element of excitement. Will it tip over and catch the song sheets on fire or won’t it? Our advent wreath […]
I’m going to start pushing now to have this adapted for our Christmas program at church next year. Can anyone say headbanging pre-schoolers? Some males report female cialis online visually related side effects such as headaches, dizziness and visual problems. A male reaching male menopause may begin to experience certain symptoms that include a decrease […]
Remember, neither Santa nor his inspiration are to be trifled with. The Boy Who Laughed at Santa by Ogden Nash In Baltimore there lived a boy. He wasn’t anybody’s joy. Although his name was Jabez Dawes, His character was full of flaws. In school he never led his classes, He hid old ladies’ reading […]
As my kids are getting older, I’m noticing that most family devotions are aimed for younger kids. It’s hard to find something that spans later elementary and teen ages. Recently, I’ve stumbled across two resources that are currently free. FREE! Snoopy Dance! The first free resources is Joy to the World! An Advent Journey Through the Songs of […]
Now that Thanksgiving is over, we are officially and fully in the Christmas season. Traditionally, this is the weekend that we pull everything down from the attic, spend the whole day decorating, and “prepare” for Christmas in one fell swoop. But that didn’t happen this year. The turkey is eaten; the pie is gone; the scarecrows […]
Today is the Twelfth Day of Christmas, so I had my last cup of coffee in a Christmas mug til next year. The alarms are being switched to something un-Christmasy (“Bad to the Bone”?), the decorations came down this weekend, except for all the stuff we forgot. Like the huge wooden nativity. How did we […]
On the fourth day of Christmas, my Facebook feed is filled with pictures and happy statuses of people who have swept away their Christmas decorations and kicked their trees to the curb. These are also, not coincidentally, the same people who put up their trees two days after Halloween. I get it. If I’d […]