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    Like wearing kittens on my feet

    Like wearing kittens on my feet

    I had a wonderfully blessed Christmas and got many beautiful gifts, but my favorite gift has to be these socks Sprite made for me. They’re so soft and comfortable, I want to wear them all the time. And I have! When I wash them, I’ll be like Jack when his blankets are washed: standing in […]

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    Ready for the Second Day of Christmas?

    Ready for the Second Day of Christmas?

    Wait, what? Isn’t Christmas over? Didn’t we manage to survive (some of us just barely) and now we can look forward to the New Year and resolutions that won’t last the month of January? Why in the world would I still be talking about Christmas? Because “The Twelve Days of Christmas” actually refers to something […]

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  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!

    From the Thompson nerds, er family. Our Christmas Eve tradition is to open one gift, always a graphic t-shirt. They’re usually from Woot, but this year MTG and I got ours from Think Geek, and I just got Sprite’s from Amazon. Oddly, Woot doesn’t carry a lot of softball t-shirts. Weird. Give this medicine to […]

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    Ready or not

    Ready or not

    Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heav’n and nature sing, Advent is the season in the Church calendar when Christians prepare their hearts to receive their King. December (well, really starting in November) is the time when we prepare for the […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: It’s almost Christmas!!!!!

    Terrible Tuesday: It’s almost Christmas!!!!!

    I’m not ready! I’m not ready! I’m not ready! Panicked links! Do you want to know how to get the Audible book of A Christmas Carol narrated by Tim Curry for just $0.99? Of course, you do! Okay, this is the deal: If you have the Kindle version of a book, very often you can […]

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    The darkest day

    The darkest day

    Today is the darkest day of the year — or the shortest anyway. Beyond the astronomical event, it seems like a very dark time in our country and around the world. Our natural instinct is to shut out the darkness. We hole up in our well-lit homes, ignoring the darkness in the world by focusing on […]

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    Armed with a hook!

    I’ve recently taken up crochet, which is much easier for me than knitting. Knitting makes me curse. Crochet makes me curse less. You know how when you get a new interest or hobby, everyone around you has to pay? Well this year, I drew my niece’s name for our gift exchange, so she gets the […]

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    Lots of choices

    Lots of choices

    One of the great thing about Christmas music is that if you don’t like one particular rendition of a song, you’ve got lots of options. That being said, this is the best version of “Carol of the Bells,” no contest. (Yes, those Pentatonix kids are good; this is better.) Children have vivid imaginations and conjure […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Road to recovery

    Terrible Tuesday: Road to recovery

    Over the past week or so, my family has been fluviated. First MTG went down, the Satchmo, then me, then Bulldozer. The girls are prancing around like they’re Wonder Woman. Women. Smarmy little hearty immune systems. (For those keeping count, MTG got the flu shot, the kids got the flu mist, and I got nothing. […]

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    Flu blogging

    Flu blogging

    You know how when you’re sick, you think you’re coherent and intelligible, but you’re really not? Yeah, I’m not even going to try to string words together. Cool Christmas videos that everyone has already seen a million times but whatever! During this medication any type of heavy tadalafil canadian pharmacy or cholesterol food should not […]

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