One of my favorite Christmas songs is “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” Growing up my mother always altered the words to sing, “As the Lord allows” instead of “as the fates allow.” Well, it turns out that she was just singing the original version — if Wikipedia is to be trusted. (Which. . . […]
Today is the first Sunday in Advent and also the first day of the Jesse Tree. It’s also the day we went on the traditional arboreal hunt. (We chopped down our Christmas Tree.) As Satchmo said as we chopped down the 9′ Virginia Pine, “Die, tree! Die!” Ah, tree murder: The true meaning of Christmas. […]
This morning, the talking heads on the radio were talking about the early celebration of Christmas and how we needed to do that this year because Thanksgiving is late which means we have less than a month to celebrate Christmas and screw Thanksgiving anyway. (Okay, I may have added that last bit.) I’ve heard this […]
Because the Christmas season does not start until Thanksgiving is over. Thanksgiving is a beloved and wonderful holiday and deserves it’s due. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Thanksgiving. I don’t want to rush through Thanksgiving and miss all of autumn in a rush to get to Christmas. There will be no Christmas decorations, […]
While getting the guest room ready for family coming, I came across one of my grandfather’s Christmas letters. The greater part of this may levitra overnight would appear that a pointless dialog of words – allopathic, elective, routine, and conventional – yet the way we discuss them can mean an extraordinary arrangement. There […]
Now, I know you may think the Christmas season started on November 1, or even the day after Thanksgiving, but today is actually the first day of Advent, the season where we prepare our hearts and homes for the Incarnation. Frankly, I just can’t get into Christmas until December. I think that means I’m holier […]
Back in November, MTG and I went to the Zac Brown Band concert. (Wait, what? What does that have to do with Christmas? Be patient. I’m explaining your gift.) Ahem. One of the artists who opened for ZBB (fantastic show, BTW) was Sonia Leigh. The other opening act was okay, but she was WOW amazing. […]
So much better than geese a laying, geese a marching! On the 4th day of Christmas, I got busy. On the fifth day of Christmas, I got sick. (I’m still feeling trop gross, but here I am.) Yesterday was also the anniversary of Texas becoming a state. You’re welcome, rest of America. My big plans […]
John the Revelator! It’s the Third Day of Christmas, home of three French Hens and Feast Day of John the Revelator. (Thanks for the heads up, Blaine!) I tried to find the electric version, but there isn’t anything of good quality online. This is a taste, but obviously doesn’t do him justice. But if you […]
I survived the Advent season and made it to Christmas. I know that’s the wrong attitude to take and not in all in keeping with a “prepare your heart of the coming of our Lord” attitude that Advent is supposed to represent. But honestly, the unrelenting busyness of the pre-Christmas season is almost overwhelming. I […]