I’m sorry, mom, but there is no better way to say it. The jackboots outlawed books, “for the children.” They outlawed handcrafted toys and clothing, “for the children.” They’re trying to shut down small farmers and farmer’s markets, “for the children.” I would like to whack them upside the head with a two-by-four, “for the […]
We are committed to homeschooling. It is our intent and desire to homeschool through high school. However, I recognize that life throws curve balls. Institutional school may become a necessity at some point down the line. But this is my line in the sand: unless the Supreme Court walks back this obscene notion that children […]
Laugh, because Anne is funny. Cry because this may be a sign of things to come: ask uncomfortable questions, get investigated. I These capsules can be taken along with the nitrate-containing drugs because the combination may lead to the damage of muscles, arteries or nerves. http://respitecaresa.org/get-involved/leave-a-legacy/hand-print/ cialis in canada viagra tablets Once you forward the […]
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has “upheld the validity of what essentially amounted to a strip search of a 13-year-old Safford school girl to see if she had drugs.” The drugs? Ibuprofen. Well, okay then. Fortunately, the 9th Circuit is the most overturned federal appeals court, so there is hope that sanity will prevail. […]