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    The dangers in our midst

    The dangers in our midst

    This post contains affiliated and dangerous links. We’re listening to Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing in the car. It was published in 1972, and I read it as a kid. I have fond memories of the whole Judy Blume oeuvre. But listening to it with my kids, I have to say I’m shocked that […]

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    Screw your courage to the sticking place

    Screw your courage to the sticking place

    My friend Erika Franz tipped me off to this amazing video series, C.S. Lewis Doodle.  (The embedding feature is disabled, but do check it out.) I haven’t watched them all yet, but I’m impressed with with what I’ve seen so far in the two from The Screwtape Letters. Those videos use the amazing radio theater […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Oh boy

    Terrible Tuesday: Oh boy

    Tuesdays have been pretty intense this fall, with 3 hours of occupational therapy, an hour of speech therapy, and one and a half hours of Orchestra, not to mention the 2 to 3 hours of driving. Just to keep things interesting, we’ve decided to throw in a softball game every Tuesday for the next month. […]

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    Success and vulnerability

    Okay, go get a tissue and watch this. Done?  Composed? Have another tissue. This man’s achievement is amazing, but what is even more impressive to me is his willingness to be vulnerable.   He not only took pictures of himself overweight attempting yoga poses (not always easy when you aren’t overweight), he posted video of a […]

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    1. Daring without judgment; madly rash and adventurous; foolishly bold. 1928 edition of Webster’s American Dictionary of the English Language 2. see also Christopher Hitchens. So Christopher Hitchens decided to improve a swastika in Lebanon and got attacked for his troubles. It’s one of those “Good for you, you fool!” moments. I’m glad he didn’t […]

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