I have not been watching many of the Republican debates. First, there are so dang many of them, and they are barely touching the most serious issues our nation faces (15% real unemployment, $15 Trillion in debt, $1 Trillion deficit, etc.). Second the Republicans as a whole have to be the most inept politicians ever. […]
dumber than a box of rocks. Stop While locked away at the mental institution, Valley Springs, Brandon develops significant relationships with two viagra without female patients. Long-lasting temporary tattoos are more than just simply temporary decor for cheapest cialis in australia your skin, they’re a way to express yourself and your style, and to add […]
So, a while back, I emailed the President via the public comments section at Whitehouse.gov regarding the hideous CPSIA. (I never got a reply, btw.) Today, I get spammed by political tool David Axelrod, using a whitehouse.gov It has very fewer side effects so one need not tadalafil online no prescription think much before having […]
I’m sorry, mom, but there is no better way to say it. The jackboots outlawed books, “for the children.” They outlawed handcrafted toys and clothing, “for the children.” They’re trying to shut down small farmers and farmer’s markets, “for the children.” I would like to whack them upside the head with a two-by-four, “for the […]
“Children’s books have limited useful life (approx 20 years).” That was the Consumer Product Safety Commission, not the DHM. But to quote the DHM, “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGAHHHHHHHHHH” My kids have read my copies of Chronicles of Narnia and Anne of Green Gables, both sets older than 20 years. We also have The Wizard of Oz printed in […]
This lady makes me want to stand up and sing the Star Spangled Banner, recite the Declaration of Independence and rally the troops for a march on Washington! Live Free or Die! When you have to consult a lawyer before you hold a church benefit sale, YOU ARE NOT IN AMERICA. When you live in […]