You are about to see the extent of my crafting ability. Well, sort of. I took a before picture and an after picture. You’ll have to use your imagination for the during picture. Take one plain wreath and with sad bow, a box of Doctor Who ornaments, and a hot glue gun. (Hot glue gun […]
I’ve recently taken up crochet, which is much easier for me than knitting. Knitting makes me curse. Crochet makes me curse less. You know how when you get a new interest or hobby, everyone around you has to pay? Well this year, I drew my niece’s name for our gift exchange, so she gets the […]
A few years back, my girls wanted to learn how to crochet. Since I hadn’t the foggiest notion how to crochet, I did the obvious thing: I bought them a book. Between that book, Youtube videos, and asking more capable friends and family members, they taught themselves to crochet. And then went on to teach […]
I’m not saying the camel has a broken back. I’m just saying that’s a lot of straws. The end is nigh links! I wished for a Khan Academy for sewing on Twitter, and *poof* a friend pointed me to Craftsy. I know what I want for Christmas! New degrees challenge “time-served” model. I don’t know […]
We had a boys’ day with our homeschool group today, and I was in charge of crafts. Generally, that’s a bad idea, as I’m neither artsy or crafty. But boys usually don’t care a great deal about artsy, so … catapults? Catapults! Click viagra discounts on the Erik Dalton website for […]
If civilization isn’t constantly on the offensive, nature will overwhelm us. Likewise, if we aren’t constantly on the offensive against life, it will eat into your schedule. In other words, I had some time free up yesterday, but somehow that time disappeared under the tentacles of life. Like sands through the hourglass links! I’m just […]
or duck tape, if you prefer. Last year, Sprite got on a duct-tape creating kick. While she mostly reverted to yarn-art, she still makes flowers, wallets, purses or even kindle cases from time to time. Duct tape creativity can even earn some young whippersnapper a scholarship, and you can vote for the winner. This is […]
Today we had friends over for a craft day. It was a busy, full, crafty day. My friend and the kids made pipe cleaner penguin snow globes. And also pipe cleaner imposter penguins (AKA bunnies) and pipe cleaner Adam and Jamie of Mythbusters. A closer look at the Mythbusters. Adam is a little abstract. […]
Crafty public service announcement? Public Service Announcement about crafts? Whatever. Hearts and Trees. Fall Craft kit, Charlotte Masony. Along with these herbal remedies, it becomes important to understand the benefits associated buy levitra online informative drugshop with these remedies and here are the details to know: Improvement in the functioning of the liver. The Hogan […]
I am not a crafty kind of gal. I don’t decorate, I don’t decoupage, I don’t needlepoint. I do decorate for Christmas, but mostly in a Charlie Brown sorta way–earnestly, but not particularly stylish.I don’t think it’s lack of ability or skill. That is to say, I think the ability and skills could be developed. […]