Language is a good indicator of what a culture values. For example, our dictionary definition of mothering is “the nurturing of an infant or small child by its mother.” Parenting means “the rearing of children.” Fathering means “a male parent.” Mothering is highly valued and appreciated in our culture; when people are sick or […]
Just what is the plan here? What is the purpose, the ultimate goal of “engaging the culture”? Do we merely want to be fairly represented or even merely understood? Or is it something more? Do we want to change culture, to affect the path that our culture takes? Cole Streeper, one of the Misfits gang, […]
Everything is quick in our culture. We have shortcuts for everything, from cooking to communicating. Even getting to know people has become a simple endeavor. Enter appearance, occupation, socio-economic status, residence, tweets, and whatever interests you can glean in 30 seconds into a formula and voilà! You’ve got that person all sorted out, and you […]
I’ve been writing about how we can engage the culture by emphasizing that the most useful tool we have is storytelling. However, it’s not enough just to have good stories to tell. They have to be heard in order to make an impact. You need an audience. Unfortunately, there has been a tendency for Christians to forgo […]
A couple of weeks ago, I looked at the question of what it means to engage the culture. I proposed that, if we want to be shapers of culture, we must tell great stories. The current cultural landscape seems not only to have abandoned almost every virtue that Christians hold dear but to have abandoned God […]
I’ve been ruminating on this post for over a week now, and it has taken quite a different turn from where I started out. I’m saving all those other, somewhat controversial thoughts, and maybe I’ll do another post later. After our electoral loss in November, conservatives and others on the losing side began to do […]
Some of the biggest lies our culture tells are about beauty and sex. “This is beauty!” (scantily clad women at that link) And then we wonder why almost no woman believes she is beautiful, why body issues are rampant. Anorexia, bulimia, and injecting various chemicals and viruses in our faces. What the hell, ladies? They’re […]
The real question is, how close are we to the edge? From Jazz Shaw at Hot Air: “It’s as if we’ve been living a millennial cycle resembling an early version of Groundhog Day. Societies struggle to rise up, they achieve sweeping domination, and then fall rapidly into gout infested decay. This is strictly anecdotal – […]
I had an interesting experience in a craft store this afternoon. Apparently some local middle school teacher of indeterminate subject assigned some sort of detested project. Many irritated parents accompanied the young scholars to gather styrofoam pieces and paint. I have no idea what they were making. I do know nobody was very happy about […]
Today is the first day of the “full schedule Tuesday” that will run through the beginning of November. Occupational therapy, Girl Scouts, softball. And it’s not actually the “full schedule,” next week could add a tee ball and/or a baseball game to the mix. Terrible Tuesday, indeed. Links! On the topic of education, Seth Godin […]