Yesterday brought the horrific news that ISIS (ISIL/Daesh/murdering, inhuman scum) had burned alive the Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. As awful as it was, and as frightening as the growing global thuggery is (see also Nigeria, Ukraine, etc.), we in America have decided we need to face the real monsters in our midst. I’m talking, […]
Glenn Reynolds, (AKA the Instapundit) and Ann Althouse are having a blog post exchange on the rights and responsibilities of men and women when it comes to sex and parenting, particularly what rights men have when it comes to the children they father. It began with cases of unaccidental pregnancy and the rights and responsibilities […]
Jon Acuff is a big encourager. That’s what he does professionally. He writes and speaks on how to dream big and accomplish your goals. It’s pretty cool. One way to encourage people is through stories and analogies. Like this one. Did you read it? It’s a great story to illustrated a point: set crazy, outside […]
I have not been watching many of the Republican debates. First, there are so dang many of them, and they are barely touching the most serious issues our nation faces (15% real unemployment, $15 Trillion in debt, $1 Trillion deficit, etc.). Second the Republicans as a whole have to be the most inept politicians ever. […]
I want to try something new for Sunday blogging. I know some people do hymn posts, or thankful posts, or inspirational posts, but hello? Have you met me? So this is the deal: I want to propose a dilemma and discuss what the appropriate response is for Christians. A couple of “ground rules”: This is […]
One of the things that drives me crazy is when people say, “You can’t legislate morality.” Not because I necessarily disagree with their position on the issue at hand, but because that statement is on it’s face wrong. You can’t not legislate morality. Or as William Vallicella notes, “All legislation is the legislation of morality; […]
Our pastor is preaching through the book of I Timothy. Today, he spoke on the overriding theme of preaching and protecting sound doctrine from I Tim. 1: 3-11. One of the challenges to sound doctrine in our age is relativism: “truth for you, truth for me, it’s all good.” This reminded me of my first […]