You are about to see the extent of my crafting ability. Well, sort of. I took a before picture and an after picture. You’ll have to use your imagination for the during picture. Take one plain wreath and with sad bow, a box of Doctor Who ornaments, and a hot glue gun. (Hot glue gun […]
A study has found that if given the choice to travel back in time and kill Hitler, men are more likely to do so than women. And I asked myself, “Self, would you kill Hitler?” And Self said, “It depends.” Oh, Self. It’s Hitler! Explain yourself, Self. Okay, here’s my thinking: If it were […]
I’m in my hometown visiting my parents for a few days. After one week stumbling around a post-holiday routine, I’m on my parents’ non-schedule schedule. I think the rule is that for every one day of your regular schedule, it takes three to get back on. I’ll should be back on a regular routine just […]
Be kind to your younger siblings. Do not make them ride in the hatchback of your 1985 Mustang. Do not go along with your friends when they tell your kid sister she was a Cabbage Patch Kid my parents bought for me who came to life and we couldn’t return her to the store. When they […]
The 12th Doctor approaches. The powdered form is most often used in coffee cialis 40 mg or tea. Moreover, alcoholism or excessive consumption levitra in uk of alcohol and smoking. Herbal appetite suppressors can assist keep your appetite order cialis online to a minimum and to live a lifestyle that results in wellbeing. It […]
We’ve been in my hometown of Odessa the past few days, but now we’re headed home. In fact, we should be precisely in the middle of nowhere right about now. Endless horizon links! Oh, scientists, never change: Peanut butter and jelly fish! The definition of “off the rails”: a primary school in England suspended a […]
It’s baking day! Pecan pie, apple pie, French Silk pie, and cranberry bread are on the agenda. We’ll also be participating in the greatest of all Thanksgiving traditions: exploding cranberries. Preparatory links! We saw Day of the Doctor on the big screen last night. It. Was. Awesome. Take a quiz to find out which Doctor […]
So the new Doctor is Peter Capaldi, which means nothing to me, but hey! He looks capable. Here’s the introduction and a brief interview from the big announcement spectacular. I re-watched “The Fires of Pompeii” in which he appeared to get a feel for him. Karen Gillan, AKA Amy Pond, also appeared in that episode […]
The second half of season 7 of Dr. Who airs tonight in one week! Of course, we’ll be watching it the day after because we don’t have cable, so we buy it from Amazon.) So to those who will watch it before me… Not familiar with Doctor Who? It’s a British show that aired from 1963 […]